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EU and Chile looking for the perfect agreement
The European Union and Chile would like to improve on their association agreement, which in 15 years has resulted in the doubling of trade volumes between them.
European justice dictates that the fisheries pact with Morocco does not apply to Western Sahara
The Luxembourg court validates the EU-Morocco fisheries pact, but excludes Western Sahara because that area is not part of the Kingdom of Morocco
"Trade agreements do not build us" an interview with Justus Lavi
Under EPAs, small-scale farmers are disadvantaged.
Activists: Palm oil must not get wider access to EU under Indonesia trade talks
Environmental activists have called for the issue of palm oil to be excluded from discussions taking place this week between the Indonesian government and a European Union trade delegation.
Everything you need to know about the CEPA trade deal but were afraid to ask
A total of 60 civil society organisations from Indonesia and Europe have signed a joint statement laying out serious concerns with the EU-Indonesia trade agreement. These behind-closed-doors trade negotiations - like CETA and TTIP - jeopardise an equitable and just future.
Kant bats for early ratification of India-EU FTA
NITI Aayog, the policy think tank of India’s CEO Amitabh Kant today said it is "extremely important" for the India-EU free trade pact to be ratified at the earliest as countries like Bangladesh and Vietnam already enjoy preferential access to European markets.
Sweden to vote against new EU-Morocco fish talks
"Sweden considers that the proposed mandate does not meet the requirements of international law", the official government statement reads.
Civil groups demand CEPA bring fair outcome
Several civil groups have called for transparency in the negotiation between Indonesia and the European Union over the comprehensive economic partnership agreement (CEPA) to ensure the deal would bring equitable and sustainable development.
Mercosur, EU to restart free trade negotiations Wednesday
European Union and Mercosur representatives are pressed to close a deal before the upcoming Brazilian general elections.
12 reasons why we say NO to the Mercosur – European Union free trade agreement
We invite you to add your signatures to this document.
Civil society set out demands at EU-Indonesia trade negotiations
The next round of negotiations for a free trade agreement between the EU and Indonesia start today in Solo, Indonesia. Civil society organisations from Europe and Indonesia, including Friends of the Earth Europe and Friends of the Earth Indonesia, will meet in parallel to discuss the consequences of a potential agreement.
Indonesia, EU kick off 4th round of I-EU CEPA talks
The major issue for Indonesia is a trade barrier for Indonesian palm oil following the decision by the EU Parliament on Jan. 17 to phase out the use of biodiesel manufactured from palm.
Indigenous and human rights defenders visiting the EU call for stronger rights protections in agro-commodity business and policies for deforestation-free trade and investment
Citing outcomes from a major trade and human rights forum backed by findings from comprehensive new report, delegation demands political action during visits to Amsterdam, Hague, Brussels and London.
Civil society recommendations for the investment chapter of the revised EU-Mexico FTA
The undersigned organisations take the position that it is advisable to break away from the fundamentally flawed and increasingly controversial ISDS system.
The EU - Indonesia CEPA negotiations
We call on the EU and Indonesia to use the CEPA negotiations to design an investment chapter that prioritises equitable and sustainable development.
EU, Mexico continue talks to modernize FTA
Negotiators from the EU and Mexico have begun the ninth round of talks to modernize their free-trade agreement.
Comprehensive free trade deal is preferred option to avoid ’hard border’
December’s deal to avoid a hard border stands and the preferred option to secure that is through a comprehensive free trade deal, the Prime Minister has said.
EU moves to remove barriers to data flows in trade deals
The European Union will seek to break down barriers to the flow of data between businesses in future trade deals, as it tries to promote a more digital economy while also protecting privacy.
EU-Mercosur trade talks close with key gaps remaining
Negotiators for the European Union and Latin American bloc Mercosur have concluded two weeks of talks in Brussels on a free trade deal with no clear breakthrough and no formal offers made.
Mise à niveau : Un rempart contre la disparition des entreprises locales
Depuis la ratification par le Cameroun, le 22 juillet 2014 de l’accord de partenariat économique avec l’Union Européenne les petites et moyennes entreprises camerounaises sont menacées par le spectre de déflagration.