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Russian Federation

India, Russia target $100 billion bilateral trade by 2030, FTA with EAEU
There was one round of discussions between the Eurasian Economic Union and India and it is expected that this would be expedited in the months ahead.
Russian State Duma ratifies FTA between EAEU, Iran
Russia’s State Duma (lower house of the parliament) has ratified the free trade agreement between Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) members and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Russia offers talks on free trade zone creation to Algeria — Minister
Russia has offered talks on the creation of a free trade zone to Algeria, Russia’s Economic Development Minister Maksim Reshetnikov said.
Egypt nears completion of free trade agreement with Eurasian Economic Union
In a significant stride towards economic integration, Egypt is nearing final negotiations to establish a free trade zone with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).
Iran, EEU sign historic free trade agreement
Iran signed a groundbreaking free trade agreement with the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union on December 25. The signing ceremony, held in St. Petersburg, marked the culmination of over two years of negotiations and expert deliberations.
Putin says EAEU, Iran to sign agreement to create free trade zone
Signing of deal planned for late December, says Russian president.
DTEK energy company claims $ 267 million victory in The Hague against Russia over Crimea assets
DTEK Group prevails in The Hague case, securing a $267 million award from Russia for the confiscation of assets in occupied Crimea.
Russian firm escalates dispute with Canada over seized cargo plane
Owner of aircraft parked at Toronto’s airport invoking 1989 bilateral investment treaty.
Russia includes Morocco in a North African free trade zone project
A few days after the Russia-Africa Summit, Russia has announced that it is working on a free trade agreement with several North African countries, including Morocco.
Russian Federation includes Morocco in North African free trade zone project
During a meeting with his Cabinet of Ministers, president Putin announced his intention to sign free trade agreements with several North African countries, namely Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt.
Confidential document reveals SA fears that AGOA trade pact status is under threat
In a confidential discussion note seen by Daily Maverick, South Africa admits its status as a beneficiary of the African Growth and Opportunity Act is under threat.
South Africa government officials head to US to save AGOA trade deal
A South African government delegation will embark on a charm offensive in the US this week aiming to defuse tensions with the African nation’s second-biggest trading partner over foreign policy and retain its preferential access to American markets.
Russia is in talks to establish free zone in Egypt: Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday announced at the plenary session of the Eurasian Economic Forum that Russia is in talks on establishing a free zone in Egypt.
Kenya and Russia to sign trade pact, President Ruto says
Kenya will sign a trade pact with Russia aimed at boosting cooperation between businesses, President William Ruto’s office said on Monday, after hosting Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Nairobi.
Second day of Alexander Novak’s working visit to Iran
Iran and Russia discussed the preparation of a Free Trade Agreement between the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and Iran.
India’s ties with Russia remain steady. But Moscow’s tighter embrace of China makes it wary
India’s relationship with Russia remains steadfast as both sides seek to deepen their economic ties. But Moscow has also grown close to Beijing since invading Ukraine, and that raises critical national security concerns for New Delhi.
Russia embarks on a major BRICS offensive to upgrade BIT and complete EAEU FTA agreements
Trade meetings with China, Brazil and India are paving the way for a rapid increase in Russia-BRICS trade and underpinning its strengths
India, Russia in talks for FTA, BIPA to deepen commercial ties: Russian Deputy PM Manturov
India and Russia are discussing a free trade agreement and a bilateral investment protection agreement.
India, Russia discuss FTA to guarantee investment, says Russian deputy PM
India and Russia are discussing a free trade agreement to guarantee investment between the two countries. The New Delhi-Moscow relations have withstood the West’s pressures, and bilateral trade has been the biggest benefactor as well as a catalyst in this transformation.
Ukraine’s Naftogaz says Russia told to pay $5 billion for seizing Crimea assets
Ukraine’s state-owned gas company Naftogaz that Moscow had been ordered by an arbitration court in The Hague to pay $5 billion in compensation for unlawfully expropriating its assets in Russian-annexed Crimea in 2014.