Hindustan Times
India and Uzbekistan have signed a Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) to boost economic cooperation and protect investors. The BIT aims to increase investor confidence, provide dispute resolution mechanisms, and protect investments from expropriation.
The Financial World
India’s Finance Minister will sign a bilateral investment treaty between India and Uzbekistan.
The Express Tribune
Uzbekistan’s Ambassador to Pakistan Aybek Arif Usmanov hinted at the possibility of inking the FTA.
The Express Tribune
Pakistan and Uzbekistan will sign a preferential trade agreement this week to lower duties on nearly three-dozen products in the range of 20% to 100%.
The Economic Times
Ahead of the India-Central Asia summit, India and Uzbekistan have fast-tracked talks for a bilateral trade pact.
Yonhap News Agency
South Korea’s trade ministry said Thursday it plans to expand economic ties with Uzbekistan by launching new projects in a wide array of areas from ICT to the medical sector, as the COVID-19 pandemic has recently weighed down bilateral business cooperation.
The Express Tribune
Preferential trade agreement between Pakistan and Uzbekistan, bilateral cooperation in other areas including transit trade, customs, banking, trade and investment, transport and other MoUs and agreements will be signed.
International The News
Pakistan is all set to sign the Transit Trade Agreement (TTA) with Uzbekistan in Tashkent on July 15, paving the way for having access for its products to the 90 billion dollars market of five Central Asian States.
Pakistan Today
Pakistan and Uzbekistan have agreed to enhance trade relations while discussing the progress made on bilateral transit trade agreement, Preferential Trade Agreement, banking and visa issues, and aviation and customs cooperation.
Yonhap News Agency
The leaders of South Korea and Uzbekistan proclaimed the launch of negotiations on a bilateral free trade agreement, as they had a virtual summit Thursday, according to Cheong Wa Dae.