The US oil giant has launched multiple efforts to collect international arbitration awards against the Caribbean nation.
Herbert Smith Freehills
This treaty marks a significant step in Venezuela’s recent trend of executing BITs, particularly following its withdrawal from the ICSID Convention in 2012.
The Daily Herald
Bank of Orinoco has initiated an international arbitration against the Netherlands over alleged discriminatory and irrational measures by the government of Curaçao.
Anadolu Agency
“By expanding its scope, we aim for this agreement to be turned into a free trade agreement as soon as possible,” Erdogan told.
US multinational Kimberly-Clark has filed a formal request to take Venezuela to court regarding the expropriation of its abandoned factory by the government of Nicolas Maduro in July 2016.
Latin America Herald Tribune
Gold Reserve Inc. reports that it has received a $40 million payment on its $800 million judgment that it won at the World Bank’s International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in 2014.