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South-South BITs

Bilateral investment treaties signed between the governments of two "developing" countries represent the largest portion of BITs signed in recent years. Often, they do not go as far as North-South BITs in terms of setting new policy standards and privileges for transnational corporations. However, they can be used by major companies to set up operations in one of the parties and conduct business in the other under favourable terms.

UNCTAD maintains the most comprehensive database of South-South BITs available online.

last update: May 2012

Australia - Hong Kong investment agreement
As released by the Australian Government
Belarus - India BIT (2018)
As released by the Goverrnment of India
Morocco - Nigeria BIT (2016)
Model text for the Indian Bilateral Investment Treaty (2015)
As published by the Ministry of Finance, Government of India
Brazil-Malawi ICFA (2015)
ACFI Brasil-Angola (2015)
India draft model BIT (2015)
Open for comment until 10 April 2015.
South Africa draft PPIB (2013)
Proposed legal framework to replace previous BITs


  • Latin America BITs
    A database maintained by the Organisation of American States.
  • Pakistan BITs
    Pakistan Board of Investments list of countries with which Pakistan has Bilateral Investment Treaties