Peasant and farmer organisations in Europe and South America come together against the EU- MERCOSUR Free Trade Agreement
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(Photo: European Coordination Via Campesina)
Cloc and Eurovia | 30 January 2023
Peasant and farmer organisations in Europe and South America come together against the EU- MERCOSUR Free Trade Agreement
As a group of farmer and farm worker organisations from Mercosur and EU countries, we stand together against the EU-MERCOSUR Free Trade Agreement. This FTA is based on an obsolete paradigm in which agricultural products are treated like any other commodity, disregarding human rights, the climate and biodiversity crises, food sovereignty and the rights of food producers to a fair income.
Read our declaration, supported by more than 100 peasant organisations, to understand why the EU-MERCOSUR FTA violates the rights of peasant farmers and other people working in rural areas, and ignores climate commitments: