West Africa’s losses of customs duties with and without the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the EU
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SOL | 30 January 2017
West Africa’s losses of customs duties with and without the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with the EU
by Jacques Berthelot (jacques.berthelot4@wanadoo.fr)
- I - Loss of customs revenues on imports from West Africa with the EPA
- 1.1 - Losses on imports from the EU28-UK
- 1.2 - Losses on imports from West Africa (WA) and the Rest of the World (RoW)
- 1.3 - Loss on imports from EU28-UK, WA and ROW
- II - GSP and MFN duties that Ivory Coast (IC), Ghana and Nigeria would have paid to the EU28-UK without the EPA
- Conclusion
- Annex 1 - EU28-UK exports to WA and tariff losses by groups and rates from T to T20
- Annex 2 - GSP-MFN duties that IC, Ghana & Nigeria would have paid to the EU28-UK in 2015 without the EPA
The loss of West African customs revenues (CRs) on imports from both the EU and from the rest of the world (RoW) and West Africa (WA) due to the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) will be compared with the GSP and MFN or GSP+ and MFN import duties (IDs) that Ivory Coast (IC), Ghana and Nigeria would have paid on their exports to the EU28-UK (United Kingdom) in 2015 without the Cotonou Agreement and which they would have to pay in the future without the regional EPA or the interim EPAs of Ivory Coast and Ghana.