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Give and take as China inches towards trade talks
Australia has recognised China as an "equal trading partner" under anti-dumping laws but will give negotiating concessions to China because it is a developing economy.
Business groups seek a bold but balanced FTA
All barriers to trade and investment must be tackled in a "bold" China free trade agreement that Australian business groups said should even lead to easier visas for travel, education and tourism.
Changes likely to laws for investors
Australia will consider changes to foreign investment guidelines to give China preferential treatment in buying into Australian resource projects under a free trade deal, John Howard confirmed yesterday.
Japan could back off FTA with Australia
Japan has decided not to pursue free trade talks with Australia because of concerns that its agricultural industry could be harmed, a news report said yesterday.
No support in Japanese beef industry for FTA with Australia
When he leaves China for Japan tomorrow, Prime Minister, John Howard, will still be focusing on a free trade deal. He will be asking his Japanese counterpart, Junichiro Koizumi, to start down the track of a Free Trade Agreement between Australia and Japan.
FTA rush ignores workers’ rights
Workers’ rights were being ignored in the rush to sign a free trade agreement (FTA) with China, a leading group of opponents said today.
Union slams China FTA, industry wary
Australia’s proposed free trade agreement with China is on early shaky ground with a union leader claiming it’s based on a lie and industry warning it should not be accepted at any cost.
FTA deal on course
Australia and Indonesia will develop a framework that could provide the building blocks for a free trade deal between the two countries
Howard plays down China FTA talks
Australian Prime Minister John Howard has played down the significance of securing a free-trade agreement with China. "Whether or not we start free-trade negotiations, or whether they are brought to a satisfactory conclusion, I do not want to see that become the benchmark of whether or not we have a good relationship."
Envoy: Aussies looking at Malaysia favourably
Australian companies, which previously shied away from Malaysia fearing that political differences between their governments would hinder business, are now looking at the country favourably.
FTA deal shaky over agriculture
Australia’s prospects of a trade breakthrough with Japan this week have been undermined by new regional tensions and growing domestic opposition.
Australia should press ahead with China FTA: Trade Minister Vaile
Australia should push ahead with negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China despite the risks and difficulties involved in engaging with the Communist nation, Trade Minister Mark Vaile said.
Australia-China FTA feasibility study
Report of a joint feasibility study, leading to the launch of FTA negotiations.
Cashing in on our pharmaceutical expertise
One important provision in a China-Australia Free Trade Agreement could be the establishment of a Medicines Working Committee. This committee would facilitate cooperation, collaborations and joint ventures between Australian and Chinese pharmaceutical regulators, clinical trial and biotechnology researchers, as well as generic manufacturers.
FTA with Australia, NZ to cover textiles, forestry
Indonesia will propose special facilities for some of its leading industries in upcoming preliminary negotiations for a free trade agreement (FTA) with Australia and New Zealand, a minister has said.
FTA would have little impact on Japan’s farm sector: Aust
A free trade agreement (FTA) between Japan and Australia would not deal a serious blow to Japanese agricultural sectors, a senior Australian Government official says.
Howard opens Malaysian trade talks
Australia and Malaysia are to begin formal negotiations on a bilateral trade deal as part of efforts to improve their sometimes tense relations. The negotiations were announced in Canberra yesterday after talks between John Howard, Australia’s prime minister, and Abdullah Badawi, the first Malaysian prime minister to visit the country in more than 20 years.
Australia-Malaysia FTA set to go-ahead
Australia and Malaysia will give the green light to start talks for a free trade deal as Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi makes his first official visit to Australia.
Warning on cost of vitamins under US FTA
The cost of vitamins could rise by 8% under the Australia-United States free trade agreement, vitamin makers have warned.
FTA shakes up government procurement
The Australia-US Free Trade Agreement will bring major changes to Australian government procurement.