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US mum on Kenya trade pact talks
Separate statements issued by both Kenya’s Trade Cabinet secretary Betty Maina and her US trade chief Katherine Tai, after a virtual meeting last Tuesday did not provide any timelines for resuming the stalled talks on the deal signalling a persisting deadlock.
Taiwan votes against referendums on US trade in major setback for opposition
The Taiwanese government hopes the result will bolster its case to join the CPTPP and remove a stumbling block for a free trade deal with the United States.
China approves lower tariffs with Taiwan for 2022 in line with cross-strait agreement
The ECFA between Taiwan and China came into effect in 2010, and it officially expired last year, though neither side appears to have formally terminated it.
Nicaragua repeals trade agreement with Taiwan after resuming ties with China
Nicaragua’s parliament on Tuesday repealed the free trade agreement (FTA) signed in December 2006 with Taiwan, after last week severing diplomatic ties with the island in favor of Beijing.
China’s BRI gets entangled in Pakistan port protest
Gwadar unrest grows as fishing communities complain of job losses and broken promises linked to Belt and Road Initiative projects
Majority of CPEC projects completed: envoy
A majority of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects have been completed, revealed Chinese Consul General in Karachi Li Bijian.
Australia urges US to push back on ‘digital authoritarianism’
The Morrison government is pushing the Biden administration to strike a digital free trade agreement with democracies across the Indo-Pacific in a bid to counter China’s “digital authoritarianism”.
Trade imbalance remain key concern at Africa-China forum
The exports and imports mismatch has been highlighted as a key concern as Africa continues to deepen trade with China.
The geopolitics of China’s CPTPP move
Nowhere is the intersection between geopolitics and geoeconomics more evident than the accession negotiations under the 11-member Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.
China, Russia may update investment deal
China and Russia are looking into the feasibility of updating their bilateral investment treaty to provide better institutional support for the two nations’ investment cooperation.
US-China phase-one trade deal gets a reality check after nearly two years
As the two-year deadline for the phase-one trade deal between the world’s two largest economies is approaching, all eyes are on the next step.
The CPTPP isn’t just a trade deal for Taiwan, it’s a survival plan
Taipei could not afford to wait to request entry once Beijing got in the game. Yet the CPTPP is at the heart of mapping out Taiwan’s long-term survival, not just a means to remain competitive in global markets.
China-Cambodia FTA takes effect January 1, 2022: MOFCOM
The China-Cambodia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) will officially take effect on January 1, 2022, the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) announced.
Why is Taiwan using APEC to lobby to join the CPTPP trade pact?
When Taiwan aimed to join the first incarnation of the CPTPP, the US-led Trans Pacific Partnership, it garnered little support due to concerns about China.
Xi Jinping, speaking at APEC, pledges market reforms in bid to join Asia-Pacific trade bloc
President Xi Jinping on Thursday pledged a raft of economic reforms as part of China’s efforts to join a Pacific Rim trade pact abandoned four years ago by the US and warned against efforts to “draw ideological lines” in the Asia-Pacific region.
China’s bid to join CPTPP: Neither serious nor sincere
Joining the pact is a smart move for Beijing, but will it abide by the rules?
Xi says open to discussion on state-owned companies in CPTPP talks
President Xi Jinping said Thursday that China is open to negotiations on industrial subsidies and state-owned enterprises in order to be accepted into the CPTPP.
China’s interest in DEPA digital trade pact raises questions about ‘domestic reforms’ and what could be the next big multilateral deal
Analysts and trade experts weigh in on China’s bid to join yet another economic pact that could draw interest on a global scale
The US appears poised to pursue a digital trade agreement in Asia – What does that mean?
Momentum is building for the United States to pursue a plurilateral digital trade agreement (or possibly a series of bilateral agreements) with trading partners in the Indo-Pacific region.
China to apply to join Digital Economy Partnership Agreement
China will apply to join the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement to strengthen international cooperation on digital regulation, President Xi Jinping said.