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China, Costa Rica to launch trade talks
China and Costa Rica will launch free trade talks in January and hope to seal a deal by 2010, Chinese President Hu Jintao said Monday during his first visit to a Central American country.
China seeks to cement trade clout with Latin America
Hu Jintao and scores of business people sweep through Latin America to reinforce Beijing’s economic power in the region
Australia and China to speed up free trade deal talks
Kevin Rudd said he could not set a deadline for the completion of an FTA with China, but that the depth of the financial crisis had hardened their mutual determination to seal a deal.
China, Peru to ink trade deal as Hu visits Americas
China and Peru are poised to sign a free trade agreement when the Chinese president visits Latin America this month, a sign of the growing ties between the Asian economic giant and the resource-rich countries whose exports it needs.
Policies fuelled by greed
Although it is a member of the developing nations or what is known as the Global South, China’s emergence as an economic superpower has generated mixed reactions from its Asian neighbours.
FTAs with China, Malaysia worsen Pak trade imbalance
Pakistan has so far signed three Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), of which trade balance with two countries is in negative while the remaining one shows marginal growth.
Pak, China to seal FTA on services
Islamabad-Pakistan and China will hold final talks in December to seal Free Trade Agreement on services sectors.
China, Singapore sign free trade pact
China and Singapore on Thursday signed a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) ahead of the seventh Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) to be held in Beijing on October 24-25.
A sign of greater openness
The landmark free trade agreement (FTA) to be inked betweeen Singapore and China on Thursday is a sign of Beijing’s commitment to greater openness with its partners despite the current difficulties in global trade talks, said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.
Singapore, China to sign free trade pact in Beijing
Singapore and China will sign a free trade agreement (FTA) in Beijing during a visit there this week by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, the city-state’s foreign ministry said Tuesday.
Hong Kong shows CEPA bad for Taiwan
In the wake of the resumption of cross-strait dialogue, officials of both Taiwan’s restored right-wing Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) government and the Chinese Communist Party-ruled People’s Republic of China have touted plans for the signing of a "closer economic partnership agreement" between the two sides. Largely absent from the debate has been concrete discussion of the experience of Hong Kong.
China signs zero-tariff trade deal with Senegal
China signed Friday a trade deal with Senegal to offer zero-tariff treatment to more than 400 categories of goods imported from Senegal.
Acting Chief Justice attends forum in China
Acting Chief Justice/High Court Judge, Justice Datin Paduka Hayati of Brunei Darussalam Supreme Court represented Brunei at the China-Asean High-Level Judges Conference on the invitation of the President of the High People’s Court of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region was the
India, Brazil and South Africa should gang up with China
The India-Brazil-South Africa (IBSA) formation could have enough clout to stand up to the European Union and the US but it needs the help of emerging superpower China. Alternatively it should align with the BRIC (Brazil-Russia-India-China) group.
Chinese medicine industry regarded as important element under Economic Partnership framework
The 3rd Chinese Medicine Regional Co-operational Symposium yesterday began at the Macau Tower where Bi Zhijian, chief of the Economic and Trade Committee of Guangdong province said that the Chinese medicine industry was one of the important items within the CEPA (Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement) framework.
India, China complete FTA feasibility study: Minister
India and China have completed a feasibility study on their proposed Free Trade Agreement. It now awaits the approval of the leadership of the two countries.
Little scope for Europe-Asia FTAs
Plans to conclude free trade agreements (FTAs) between the European Union and several Asian economies are unlikely to be realised in the near future, a senior Brussels official has conceded.
Toxic food crisis outcome of free trade policies
The Fonterra scandal in China has evolved into a major food crisis. "We are seeing the reality of free trade in action, the negatives that have been concealed by the greed and arrogance of Government and private business interests," says the New Zealand Alliance Party
Pak-China 4th-round of negotiations on FTA in service sector successfully completes
The 4th round of negotiations on FTA in service sector to make the existing FTA more comprehensive has been successfully completed,
Fonterra caught in China milk powder scandal
New Zealand’s dairy giant Fonterra is caught up in the latest food scandal in China as the contaminated milk powder crisis reveals weeks of delay before the public was informed. NZ Green Party co-leader Russel Norman said “We signed up for a free trade agreement with no rules around environment or health, and so we are exposing ourselves and our companies to these types of scandals.”