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Govt gears up to limit free trade deal adversities
Indonesia is preparing massive financial and technical support for meat and tropical fruit businesses in a bid to cash in on ASEAN’s free trade deals with Australia and New Zealand.
Indonesia and Chile are exploring free trade agreement possibilities between the two countries
To meet the interest of Chile becoming a bridge between Asia-Pacific markets including Indonesian and South American, especially Latin America markets near to the Atlantic ocean, Indonesia and Chile are discussing the possibility of free trade agreements of both countries.
Thailand, Indonesia to sign fishery, food, auto pact by 1st half
Commerce ministers of Thailand and Indonesia on Saturday agreed to launch a bilateral trade agreement on economic cooperation
Indonesia details Australia, New Zealand tariff cuts
Indonesia has agreed to cut import tariffs on range of products from Australia and New Zealand starting this year as part of a wider free-trade agreement with Southeast Asian nations
Australia, Indonesia discuss free trade
Australia and Indonesia are tipped to give the green light to talks on a free trade deal as ministers from both countries gather in Sydney to consider ways to enhance already strong ties.
Government to sign free trade agreement
The government of Indonesia stated that it will go ahead and sign the ASEAN free trade agreement with Australia and New Zealand on February 27.
NGO advises govt to be cautious over FTA with Aus, NZ
The Indonesian government should act “wiser and more cautious” before signing a new free trade agreement (FTA) with Australia and New Zealand this month, a local non-government economic watchdog insisted during a press conference in Diponegoro, Central Jakarta Monday.
Indonesian asks ASEAN to postpone signing FTA agreements with Australia, New Zealand
The Indonesian Industry Ministry demanded a postponement of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and Australia, New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (FTA) to protect Indonesian local industry, said an official here on Thursday.
Indonesia delays free trade deals with Oz, NZ
Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s largest economy, has delayed signing a trade deal with Australia and New Zealand, due to be inked this month, until March next year, a senior official said Monday.
Indonesia and New Zealand to resume FTA talks in March
The negotiation on Free Trade Agreement between Indonesia and New Zealand is expected to be resumed in March 2009 after the signing of the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand FTA agreement in February 2009.
Indonesia says New Zealand trade deal request intolerable, ‘peanuts’
Indonesia has accused New Zealand of giving “too few” while requesting “too many” special facilities that may harm certain Indonesian industries and cause massive job losses, during an ongoing free trade negotiation that could end in a deadlock.
Ministries at odds over market protection
The Trade Ministry and Industry Ministry are at odds on how to protect the domestic market from a projected influx of imported goods as the global economic slowdown cuts demand, resulting in massive excess in supply in the international market.
Indonesian chefs, teachers ready to fill New Zealand market
Local skilled workers will have a chance next year to try their luck in New Zealand, which has agreed to open up to Indonesian workers as part of a free trade agreement (FTA).
RI, Malaysia sign investment and trade agreement
Indonesia and Malaysia had signed here on Wednesday the first Joint Investment and Trade Committee (JICT) agreement to improve trade and investment between the two countries.
Turkey aims to sign free trade deal with ASEAN members
Turkey expressed its views to sign free trade agreement with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member countries, indicating that serious initiatives may be launched within the scope of Asia-Pacific strategies.
Indonesia, Turkey take first step toward FTA
Indonesia and Turkey have pledged to enhance their economic partnership, introducing a plan to formulate a comprehensive trade and economic partnership — an initial step toward a free trade agreement.
RI eyes benefits from India pact
Indonesia may see robust growth in exports to India following the conclusion of negotiations on a free trade agreement between India and members of ASEAN, mainly crude palm oil.
RI demands OZ, NZ open up service markets under FTA
Indonesia has proposed the liberalization of professional and service sectors in Australia and New Zealand under the free trade agreement (FTA) between the two countries and ASEAN members.
Indonesia experience debunks claims of JPEPA advocates of increased economic gains
As proponents of the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) continue to warn against the possibility of being left out if the pact is not ratified, the experience of Indonesia shows that its own bilateral deal with Japan has not resulted in increased economic gains.
Pakistan and Indonesia negotiating to sign Free Trade Agreement
Indonesia and Pakistan are actively engaged in negotiations to sign Free Trade Agreement (FTA), which would help in raising the volume of bilateral trade up to one billion dollars mark.