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Trade deals we need to close
This week US Trade Representative Rob Portman announced that the Bush administration will pursue free-trade talks with Malaysia. Last month talks on a free-trade agreement (FTA) were inaugurated with South Korea. In a global economy awash in trade deals designed to open markets and build alliances, FTAs with these countries are particularly desirable.
M’sia-US FTA provides greater impetus, says Standard Chartered chief
Completion of the Malaysia-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) would be highly positive, providing greater impetus to the rate of economic and financial activity in Malaysia, a banker said Thursday.
US-Asean Business Council endorses US-Malaysia FTA talks
The US-Asean Business Council today endorsed negotiation and passage of a comprehensive US-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement that is commercially meaningful and of the highest standard.
Agriculture deal with Malaysia opens door for FTA
AUSTRALIA and Malaysia have signed a memorandum of understanding that aims to foster trade in agriculture, food processing, livestock and fisheries.
US envoy says planned FTA will boost Malaysia’s profile
A free trade agreement with the United States, expected to be concluded by next year, will raise Malaysia’s profile with other foreign investors and increase their confidence in the local market, the U.S. ambassador said Thursday.
US expects easy FTA talks with Malaysia
"We in Malaysia believe this is a very strategic agreement," Malaysian Minister of International Trade Rafidah Aziz said. "There is no opposition."
M’sia, US launch FTA negotiations
Malaysia and the US today jointly announced the launch of negotiations for free trade agreement (FTA), with formal negotiations on the FTA commencing in three months and expected to be completed by early 2007.
BIO president Jim Greenwood welcomes US FTA negotiations with Malaysia
The Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) today applauded the Bush Administration’s announcement to begin free trade negotiations with Malaysia. "Malaysia is an important market with a strong interest in developing its biotechnology industry," stated Jim Greenwood, President and CEO of BIO. "We look forward to working with US Trade Representative Rob Portman on this important initiative as Malaysia looks to enhance the development of its biotechnology sector.
US, Malaysia to launch free trade talks Wednesday
The United States and Malaysia will announce plans on Wednesday to negotiate a free trade agreement, industry and congressional sources familiar with the decision said.
Appeal for Malaysians to have access to affordable medicines
Open letter to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
US calls for more flexible currency regime in Malaysia
The US would like to see greater exchange rate flexibility in Malaysia, US Treasury Under Secretary Timothy Adams said yesterday.
Toyota plans to tap regional FTAs
Toyota Motor Corp Japan is re-strategising its position in Malaysia to take advantage of free trade agreements (FTAs) signed between the countries in the region.
US nearing decision on trade talks with Malaysia
The United States may announce soon that it is beginning free trade talks with Malaysia, US Trade Representive Rob Portman said on Wednesday.
Malaysia: FTAs with Pakistan, Australia & NZ to be completed this year
Free Trade Agreement (FTA) initiatives with Pakistan, Australia and New Zealand are expected to be completed this year, Malaysia’s International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz said Tuesday. She also said that FTA negotiations with the US and India would also begin this year, followed by the launch of a joint feasibility study for a possible FTA between Malaysia and Chile.
United States planning more free-trade negotiations in 2006
The Bush administration hopes to initiate more free-trade agreement (FTA) negotiations in 2006, possibly with South Korea and Malaysia, US Trade Representative Rob Portman says.
Scoping studies to pave way for Free Trade Agreement
MALAYSIA and Chile are moving towards an eventual Free Trade Agreement (FTA), with both sides to undertake scoping studies. A Joint Study Group has been formed to complete the task and submit recommendations to both governments by the end of the year.
Chile plans more free-trade accords in Asia under Bachelet
Chile, which counts Asia as its biggest export market, is seeking more free-trade agreements in the region as President-elect Michelle Bachelet pushes for closer trade ties, Foreign Affairs Minister Ignacio Walker said.
Joint-study group set up to study Msia-Chile FTA
Malaysia and Chile have taken the first step towards forging a free trade agreement (FTA) by setting up a joint study group to undertake a feasibility study on the matter.
Cabinet gives nod for Malaysia-US FTA discussions, says Rafidah
The Cabinet has agreed in principle for Malaysia and the US to begin discussions towards forging a free trade agreement (FTA) as and when both sides are ready.