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Rafidah wants private sector to continue to be proactive in FTA, WTO processes
International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz wants the Malaysian private sector to continue to be proactively engage in the country’s Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and World Trade Organisation (WTO) processes.
Abdullah says FTA with Pakistan can spur bilateral trade
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said the proposed Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Malaysia and Pakistan can spur faster growth in bilateral trade and investments.
PM confident M’sia-Pakistan FTA will be sealed year-end
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is confident the proposed Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Malaysia and Pakistan will be sealed by the end of the year.
Pakistani PM Shaukat arrives in KL for FTA talks
The proposed Malaysia-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement (FTA) moves closer to becoming a reality with Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz’s arrival here today to talk terms.
Proliferation of bilateral FTAs will not undermine WTO process
The proliferation of bilateral free trade agreements (FTA) will not undermine the World Trade Organisation’s (WTO) process but instead may smoothen it, Malaysia’s International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz said.
Japan-Malaysia economic pact may be signed in December
Malaysia and Japan are close to agreeing in principle the issues related to trade talks and other matters negotiated under the Japan-Malaysia Economic Partnership Agreement (JMEPA).
Envoy: Aussies looking at Malaysia favourably
Australian companies, which previously shied away from Malaysia fearing that political differences between their governments would hinder business, are now looking at the country favourably.
Howard opens Malaysian trade talks
Australia and Malaysia are to begin formal negotiations on a bilateral trade deal as part of efforts to improve their sometimes tense relations. The negotiations were announced in Canberra yesterday after talks between John Howard, Australia’s prime minister, and Abdullah Badawi, the first Malaysian prime minister to visit the country in more than 20 years.
FTA with New Zealand by end of this year
Malaysia and New Zealand have rescheduled the signing of a free trade agreement to the end of the year, six months ahead of the June 2006 deadline announced on Thursday.
Malaysia FTA hits roadblock over cars
Negotiations over a free trade agreement between Japan and Malaysia have hit a speed bump over cars, a focal point of the talks, due to Kuala Lumpur’s determination to continue protecting its local industry.
Australia-Malaysia FTA set to go-ahead
Australia and Malaysia will give the green light to start talks for a free trade deal as Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi makes his first official visit to Australia.
Malaysia FTA on fast track
The government wants to fast track a newly emerged free trade agreement proposal with Malaysia, getting it done within a year.
NZ and Malaysia launch FTA negotiations
Prime Minister Helen Clark announced today that Malaysia and New Zealand have agreed to begin negotiations on a free trade agreement as soon as possible.
Malaysia, India to sign FTA by year-end
India and Malaysia are on the verge of signing a comprehensive economic co-operation agreement by year-end. It will include free trade between the two nations.
Malaysia recommended for FTA talks with US
Malaysia is among five countries that the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) has recommended that the US administration explore the possibility of negotiating free trade agreements (FTA) with.
Asia embraces free-trade links
Malaysia is joining a long and growing list of Pacific nations rushing to sign free-trade agreements with their biggest trading partners.
Conference on free trade agreement in Melbourne
Australia will be hosting a conference on the Australia-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement on March 10 in Melbourne. The conference, which is organised by Monash University, is supported by the Australian Government.
Taiwan hoping to start negotiations on free trade agreement with Malaysia
Taiwan is pushing for a free trade agreement (FTA) with Malaysia in an attempt to further prop up substantive ties between the two countries.
Abdullah holds talks on FTA move
Malaysia has decided on several fresh moves in Pakistan’s favour, including agreeing to accept it as a source country for labour.