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Costa Rica: las Hormigas contra el Elefante: vacuna contra el pesimismo | 31-August-2007

La otra Costa Rica ya empezó, vive en la
articulación de los Comités Patrióticos, los
Movimientos Sociales y en los Partidos Políticos
concientes del cambio. Esa otra Costa Rica no depende
del resultado ningún referéndum, ya es una patria

Realizan mujeres huelga de hambre contra TLC | 28-August-2007

La huelga tiene también el objetivo de protestar por la violación a los derechos humanos de los trabajadores en la frontera de Texas con México

The politics of corporate party crashing | 27-August-2007

The North American global justice movement just exposed the “Security and Prosperity Partnership” (SPP), the latest corporate assault on our democracy, environment and human rights. As activists assess their next steps, many wonder: can we still work together, dig the SPP’s grave still deeper, and then push it in? And where do we go from there?

Repression on FTA opponents denounced | 27-August-2007

The Costa Rican Human Rights Association denounced the increase of the police repression against local citizens, students and social leaders opposed to the Free Trade Agreement with US in their Sunday statement.

UNI solidarity mission urges Costa Rica to reject the proposed Free Trade Agreement | 24-August-2007

UNI Telecom Americas President told the Minister of Labour and Deputies from the Costa Rica National Assembly that the country should look to lessons from other free trade agreements, including from his country Mexico, where poverty had not decreased and the minimum wage was in effect lower than before the 43 trade agreements signed by Mexico.

Tamaki Makaurau Declaration against corporate control and for global justice | 23-August-2007

A declaration for organisations to sign-on to about the negative effects of a New Zealand-US free trade agreement.

University students protest tribunal resolution on CAFTA campaigns | 23-August-2007

Students from the University of Costa Rica and National University organized the protest against a Supreme Elections Tribunal resolution of July 12 which said that university personnel, like other public officials, cannot use public resources to campaign for or against the Central American Free-Trade Agreement with the United States (CAFTA).

Universitarios en Costa Rica protestan contra TSE por ’’intromisión’’ en autonomía universitaria | 22-August-2007

Miles de universitarios protestaron este martes contra el Tribunal Electoral de Costa Rica, al acusarlo de atentar contra la autonomía universitaria mediante una resolución que intentaba limitar las discusiones sobre el TLC con Estados Unidos

Pronunciamiento sobre la ASPAN | 21-August-2007

Manifestamos rotundamente nuestro rechazo de la ASPAN y de la Cumbre donde se van a reunir Felipe Calderón de México, Stephen Harper de Canadá y George W. Bush de Estados Unidos con los ejecutivos de las más grandes empresas transnacionales de estos países, para continuar con la imposición de su seguridad y su prosperidad, a realizarse el 20 y 21 de este mes, en Montebello, Québec, Canadá

Berlin protesters demonstrate against Israeli products | 19-August-2007

Protesters held signs reading "No to settlement products" and "Stop the Israel-EU Association Agreement."

Convocatoria al Plenario Federal a realizarse en Buenos Aires contra el Libre Comercio, la Deuda, la Militarización y el Saqueo | 18-August-2007

Las organizaciones político-sociales en la Argentina, desde la Autoconvocatoria No al ALCA y que venimos participando en este proceso de resistencia y búsqueda de alternativas, tanto en la Campaña contra el ALCA como en la ASC, resolvimos fortalecer nuestra articulación nacional convocándonos a construir un Movimiento por la Soberanía e Integración de los Pueblos (MoSIP)

Scrap the SPP! | 17-August-2007

The People’s Global Action Bloc is a coalition of various anti-capitalist groups from Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec City, Toronto, and Vancouver who will be organizing actions in Montebello and across Canada from August 19-21 to show their resistance to the SPP.

110,000 citizens sign petition opposing move to North American Union | 17-August-2007

A newly launched petition protesting a move toward the creation of a North American "framework" has quickly captured the attention of US citizens.

Sign on: Reject JPEPA! Defend our people’s sovereignty! | 16-August-2007

We call on all freedom-loving Filipinos not to allow yet another surrender of our country to Japan. Reject the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement!

Organizaciones panameñas preparan gran marcha contra el TLC | 15-August-2007

El Frente Nacional por la Defensa de los Derechos Económicos y Sociales (Frenadeso) ultima los detalles para la Gran Movilización en contra del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) firmado con Estados Unidos, convocada para este jueves

Panamá: Movilización en defensa de los derechos sociales y contra el TLC | 15-August-2007

El Frente Nacional por la Defensa de los Derechos Económicos y Sociales (Frenadeso) convoca toda la sociedad panameña a participar de la Gran Movilización en contra el Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) firmado con Estados Unidos

Costa Rica: el Referendo se discute en Internet | 14-August-2007

El Sí y el No buscan apoyo en la Web. El sitio del No tiene tres meses de operar en forma oficial, mientras que el del Sí está en construcción

Bringing the SPP out of the shadows | 14-August-2007

While many Canadians have never heard of the Security and Prosperity Partnership, activists from across North America are planning to make their presence felt at the "3 Bandidos" summit in Montebello, Quebec, and shed some light on what many are describing as ’NAFTA Plus’.

Peruvian workers warn about national strike | 9-August-2007

The General Confederation of Peruvian Workers (CGTP) warned on Tuesday that it will stage a national strike to demand higher salaries and to protest against the Free Trade Agreement with the United States.

KMP calls for junking of RP-China economic agreements | 7-August-2007

The RP-China agricultural agreement, for example, provides China with the capability to produce food using Philippine territorial lands and waters.This would inevitably mean massive displacement of peasants from their lands, and the crops to be planted are not for Filipino consumption but for export to China.

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