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Free trade pacts bad for business: Colombian milk association
Colombia’s dairy sector needs government assistance to be able to compete with European farmers, said the president of the national milk producers’ association Friday.
Taiwan urged to sign FTAs with more countries
The Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Taipei (JCCI) urged Taiwan Friday to sign free trade agreements (FTAs) with more countries to enhance its investment competitiveness. "Taiwan tends to highly rely on China," Kyota Kishimoto, JCCI’s chairman, told reporters after a press conference to present an annual position paper to the Cabinet-level Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD).
New Zealand trades away our sovereignty in secret negotiations
At the APEC Leaders’ Summit in Hawaii on November 12 & 13, Bill English will signal the Government’s readiness to trade away yet more of this country’s powers of self-government, the New Zealand Is Not For Sale Campaign warned today.
S Koreans protest against trade deal with US
South Korean authorities have detained at least 15 people after police clashed with protesters demonstrating against the country’s free-trade agreement with the US.
Taiwan firms urged to pull weight in US-South Korea FTA fight
Taiwan’s private sector needs to pull its weight if government policies aimed at offsetting the impact of the U.S.-South Korea free trade agreement are to succeed, Economic Affairs Minister Shih Yen-shiang said.
Safta ’sensitive list’: 20 percent reduction approved
The Cabinet on Wednesday approved a 20 percent reduction (233 tariff lines) in sensitive list for South Asian Free Trade Area (Safta) which, according to the Commerce Ministry, will earn goodwill for the country.
Ibsa partners boost trade, gird themselves for global crisis
South Africa is achieving significant success in trade with its Ibsa part- ner countries, India and Brazil, President Jacob Zuma highlighted at a press conference in Pretoria last week. (South Africa hosted the fifth Ibsa Dialogue Forum summit on October 17 and 18.)
Sacu-Mercosur Pta Gets Cautionary Thumbs-Up
The Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Tjekero Tweya, tabled a motion in Parliament on Thursday for the ratification of a preferential trade agreement (PTA) between the Southern African Customs Union (Sacu) and South America’s trade bloc, called the Common Market of the South (Mercosur).
Timing may be everything in TPP
As emerging Asian economies facilitate growth in the region and increasingly stand out as important players in global trade, the United States appears intent on getting its own share of the pie in the form of taking a leadership role in the Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade framework.
Ruling party rules out using speaker’s authority for FTA vote
The floor leader of the ruling Grand National Party (GNP) Wednesday opposed using the Assembly speaker’s authority to pass the long-pending free trade deal with the United States on the floor, saying a unilateral passage would cause distrust in party politics.
As Pak finally relents, MFN to boost India ties
Pakistan on Wednesday approved a proposal granting India the status of “most favoured nation” which would pave the way for direct import and export of goods and services. Textile, automobile and auto component trade through the land route with easier tariffs and quota restrictions are a distinct possibility.
Czechs could delay EU trade deal over visa issue
The Czech government is indicating it could delay the ratification of a Canada-EU free trade agreement, a deal that would be larger in scope than the North American Free Trade Agreement, if the Canadian government doesn’t scrap a visa requirement it imposed on Czech citizens in 2009.
In Japan, possible free trade deal comes with an argument
In an upscale neighborhood where Japanese buy their handbags and smartphones, furious farmers drove their tractors down the main road last week in their latest protest against a controversial regionwide free-trade pact.
Final KORUS FTA battle centers on investor-state dispute provision
Korea’s Democratic Party says ISD could harm socially vulnerable groups as the Grand National Party opposes measures that will require agreement from US Congress
Imminent FTA action
Few would be surprised if the ruling Grand National Party resorted to its majority power to ram the Korea-U.S. free trade agreement bill through the National Assembly at any time. The GNP must believe it has accumulated enough justification to do so while the main opposition party has weak logic to ask for public support for its rejection of the bill. Rep. Chung Dong-young is in the center of the DP’s illogical and unreasonable behavior in the KORUS FTA tussle.
Free-trade agreement between the European Union and Canada: CORPORATIONS MUST NOT MAKE THE LAW
We, the undersigned unions and civil society organizations, ask our political leaders to stopimmediately the current negotiations for a free-trade agreement between the European Union and Canada. This agreement, called the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), would encourage the privatization of the public sector, weaken and prevent social, health and environmental regulations, and protect even more investors’ rights at the expense of democratic rights.
FTA clash looms
In South Korea, the ruling and opposition parties are now braced for physical clashes over KORUS FTA ratification.
11 million signatures gathered in Japan against free trade pact
Japanese farmers groups submitted 11.67 million signatures to the government Monday on a petition opposing Japan’s participation in trade liberalization talks with other Pacific Rim countries.
Reformist Japan farmers urge free trade to spur change
With farmers like Saito outnumbered by those who fear opening up Japan’s farm market, Prime Minister Noda must face down opposition inside his Democratic Party of Japan if he is to tell US President Barack Obama that Tokyo wants to join the talks when they meet at a Nov. 12-13 Asia-Pacific summit in Hawaii.
Japanese farmers protest against possible trade pact
Thousands of Japanese farmers marched through central Tokyo on Wednesday to push the government not to join a regional free trade pact that will likely hit the nation’s small farmers.