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US Senators express concern over Chevron lobbying tactics
US Senators Patrick Leahy and Barack Obama have written to the US Trade Representative urging that he ignore Chevron’s campaign to exclude Ecuador from FTA negotiations until the Ecuadorian government shuts down a historic environmental lawsuit against the company.
US nearing decision on trade talks with Malaysia
The United States may announce soon that it is beginning free trade talks with Malaysia, US Trade Representive Rob Portman said on Wednesday.
RI seeks wider access to Japan labor market
Indonesian trade negotiators are pushing their Japanese counterparts to allow the country’s workers more access to Japan’s labor market.
Free trade in reciprocity
The new political climate is favourable to projects for regional integration other than the US-led free trade area of the Americas, the most radical being the mutually helpful Bolivarian Alternative.
Panama protests build over US FTA
Agricultural unions and associations in Panama repeated their intention Thursday to continue protests over the way the Isthmus government is negotiating a free trade treaty with the United States.
Ecuador-US FTA hinges on farming
Ecuadorian Foreign Affaire Minister Jorge Illingworth asserted that a Free Trade Agreement with the US would basically depend on a favorable agriculture deal.
Israel, Mercosur negotiating free-trade agreement
Israel has initiated negotiations for a free-trade agreement with Mercosur. Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor director general Raanan Dinur said, “This is one of the most important steps Israel has taken in foreign trade in recent years.”
SA wary of calls to broaden EU trade pact
SA’s chief trade negotiator, Xavier Carim, said yesterday that it was premature for the European Union (EU) to call for a large-scale expansion of the free trade agreement between the 25-nation bloc and SA.
Industry and Commerce chief: The US has not concluded reviewing FTA
Industry and Commerce minister Francisco Javier Garcia blamed the US Trade Office for delays in reviewing documentation pertinent to the country’s entrance in the Free Trade Treaty with United States and Central America (DR-CAFTA).
India, Asean toiling for pact on negative items under FTA
India and Asean (Association of South East Asian Nations) are struggling to reach an agreement on the list of sensitive items for the proposed free trade agreement (FTA) between the two sides. The sensitive or negative list contains items which will not be subjected to duty cuts agreed under the FTA.
TNC fails to finalize free trade accord
The seven BIMSTEC member countries failed to agree on rules of origin criteria and other outstanding issues, which left text of FTA accord on trade in goods undecided in Bangkok this week.
Guatemala youth join anti-FTA rally
Guatemalan young people announced Thursday their willingness to join the massive February 24 march scheduled against the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the US in Guatemala City.
Formal talks on Dhaka-Islamabad FTA start soon, Says Morshed
Bangladesh and Pakistan will soon start formal negotiations on bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) in a bid to sign the deal by next September, Foreign Minister M Morshed Khan said here yesterday.
US group urges trade preference for Taiwan
A group of US congressmen have introduced legislation urging US President George W. Bush to give preference to Taiwan as his administration considers which countries to consider for potential free-trade agreements.
FTA should be done with Taiwan, says Dunne
A free trade agreement with Taiwan should be pursued as soon as a deal is done with China, United Future leader Peter Dunne said yesterday.
S. Korea-US FTA should not be disrupted by interest groups: Roh
President Roh Moo-hyun said Thursday the South Korea-U.S. free trade agreement (FTA) should not be blocked by some interest groups’ resistance.
Jordan, GCC make big advancement in FTA negotiations
The Jordanian minister of Industry and Trade said that his country and members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) have made great advancement in their negotiations for the signing of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA).
S. Korea to reflect farmers’ concerns in US free trade talks
"Farmers and ranchers will be invited to take part in negotiations from the outset," a Korean agricultural ministry official said.
Pakistan approves free trade pact in South Asia
The Pakistani cabinet approved a regional pact on Wednesday to promote free trade and economic ties in South Asia, home to nearly one-fifth of the world’s population.
CAFTA delays costing jobs, investment
The delay in implementing the Central American Free Trade Agreement has hit the region’s clothing industry hard, putting factories in legal limbo while much of their business leaves for Asia.