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Focus on: TTIP, food & farming

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In brief – TTIP: where we stand
TTIP negotiation round 11 was held in Miami, Florida: short overview of where we stand in the negotiations, issue area by issue area.
Death on a plate: TTIP, meat inspections and your food
’Death on a plate: TTIP, meat inspections and your food’ features the testimony of a mother whose daughter died from eating contaminated meat and comments by a government meat inspector and others in the food industry.
Farm issues could scupper free trade deal with EU - U.S.
Differences between the United States and the European Union over issues such as genetically modified crops and hormone-treated beef could scupper a free trade deal.
EU Agriculture would be gross losers in TTIP Agreement - Anderson MEP
A study carried out on behalf of the US Department of Agriculture shows that EU Agriculture would be the gross loser in any of the three scenarios considered.
TTIP: The downfall of EU agriculture?
A new study has concluded that TTIP threatens to completely change the way small and medium sized farms operate, through the use of more genetic engineering and more hormone-treated meat.
Brussels biotech lobby’s last push for ’GM 2.0’ technologies to escape regulation
With TTIP negotiations proceeding apace, environmental and sustainable farming groups must stay actively protect our hard-won - albeit imperfect - GM laws.
Tariffs dropped to zero
TTIP: Secret document reveals in detail the EU offer to drop 97 percent of its tariffs on US goods.
Farmers fear for their future as new TTIP round opens
As negotiators prepare for the 12th round of TTIP talks, the crisis in French agriculture is compounding the sector’s fears over the trade deal.
EU poultry sector concerned about TTIP deal
Representatives of the European poultry industry are increasingly expressing concerns about the upcoming free trade agreement between the European Union and the United States.
United States and Europe disagree on GM crops
America, where GMOs have been in the human supply chain for more than two decades, want their currently banned crops to be imported into Europe.