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India EFTA

India-European FTA talks this month
India and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) will meet this month in an attempt to conclude their long pending negotiations, Commerce Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said here on Friday.
MSF response on the India-EFTA free trade agreement negotiations in Liechtenstein this week
Through this deal, Swiss pharmaceutical corporations are working to erode India’s ability to produce and supply generic medicines for people across the developing world.
Switzerland wants stricter intellectual property rules in India that could harm generic drug makers
Switzerland is pushing for tighter patent protection, data exclusivity and dropping compulsory licencing under a new free trade agreement.
Leaked document: Note by Switzerland on India EFTA TEPA IP Chapter
In this note, Switzerland is proposing that India agree to broader patentable subject matter, particularly as regards biologic products.
India–EFTA trade talks may make medicines more expensive
MSF and civil society urge Swiss negotiators not to undermine the ‘pharmacy of the developing world’
India-EFTA trade deal talks to be held in January
The trade pact talks had started in October 2008. So far, 14 rounds of negotiations have been held at the level of chief negotiators.
EFTA talks on proposed FTA to resume this month
The long-stalled negotiations for a free trade agreement between India and the EFTA, a bloc of four European countries including Switzerland, are expected to resume this month.
India and the European Free Trade Association...
India and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) agreed to resolve the outstanding issues for resumption of negotiations for a proposed free trade agreement that were stuck on issues related with intellectual property rights.
India, Iceland agree to facilitate trade and economic partnership
India and Iceland on Tuesday agreed that a trade and economic partnership agreement between India and the EFTA countries would facilitate more economic relations between the two countries.
Switzerland hopes to resume India-EFTA free trade pact talks
Switzerland today expressed hope that negotiations along with three other countries on broad-based trade and economic partnership agreement with India would resume at the earliest.
India-EFTA free trade pact talks stuck on intellectual property regime issue
Negotiations for the free trade agreement between India and EFTA, four-member grouping that includes Switzerland, was stuck on the issue of intellectual property regime.
FTA between India and EFTA by early next year: Linus Von Castelmur
Swiss envoy says both sides are trying to seal the deal before the general election in India next year
India-EFTA IP chapter (draft, 2009)
Swiss seek fresh impetus from India trade talks
Switzerland is seeking to improve access to the Indian market for its chemical and pharmaceutical products, machines and watches and to extend patent protection to prevent Indian producers of cheap generic drugs benefiting from clinical tests developed by other companies
Free trade pact with four European nations this year
India and the Europe Free Trade Association (EFTA) are likely to conclude a free trade agreement (FTA) entailing a comprehensive bilateral trade and investment agreement by this year after fast tracking of the negotiations between the two groups.
India talks FTA with Switzerland
Instead of stopping the West and multinational drugmakers in their efforts to block India’s low-cost generic drugs exports, the government is helping their cause by aggressively pursuing free trade agreements (FTAs) with developed economies — agreements that could further hamper the world’s access to such drugs.
Immediately halt EFTA negotiations - statement of concern from India
Trade unions, people’s movements and civil society organisations express opposition to the lack of transparency, public debate and democratic process surrounding the ongoing negotiations of the Free Trade Agreement between India and the European Free Trade Association, composed of Lichtenstein, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland
Indo-EFTA pact on trade & investment likely by next yr
The proposed trade and investment agreement between India and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) - including Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein - is likely to be in place by the middle of next year. Swiss ambassador to India Dominique Dreyer said that the pact will give a big boost to trade and investment between the two sides. Relaxation of business visa norms, however, may not be on the cards as Switzerland would merge its visa system with other Schengen countries by the end of the year and hence will not be able to take decisions independently, the ambassador said.
European trade bloc EFTA eyes closer ties with Asia
Ministers from the four-nation European economic grouping EFTA agreed on Monday to extend their network of free-trade and investment pacts to India and key Southeast Asian countries.
UN Committee recommends that India assess likely impacts of EFTA and EU trade talks
A leading UN Committee has recommended that India review all aspects of its trade negotiations - particularly those with EU and EFTA - to ensure that they do not result in a situation which undermines the rights of people within the country, particularly the most disadvantaged and vulnerable. Meeting last month in Geneva, the Committee also noted its concern about the impact of genetically-modified seeds in India on farmers’ livelihoods.