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Costa Rica

Referendum about CAFTA: Declaration of “Mujeres del NO”
As feminists we have always said NO to rape and therefore we cannot but say NO to this gang rape of our collective freedom to choose what treaties we accept.
Results: The power of NO
Hundreds of women came together to celebrate women’s contributions to the struggle against the ratification of CAFTA in Costa Rica
Human rights body uneasy about impacts of CAFTA-DR in Costa Rica
As furore continues in Costa Rica about ratification of the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR), members of a leading UN human rights body have been expressing their concern to Costa Rican officials today in Geneva, about the human rights impact of the trade agreement.
Letter to US Congress requesting rejection of the 7 October referendum
Letter from Costa Rican citizens to US Congress requesting rejection of the alleged approval of CAFTA through the 7 October referendum
Costa Rica: CAFTA threatens to turn water into merchandise
Free trade agreement will make water distribution more unequal for country’s poorest communities. The pact sets the obligation to give a “not less favorable” treatment to US companies, ignoring the deep differences in size and economic power of between these ones and the national sectors.
CAFTA referendum heightens social tensions in Costa
The NO to CAFTA campaign has produced tens of thousands of activists who are using grassroots methods to change the political system in Costa Rica, which has been dominated by a small elite since the founding of the country.
Costa Rican lawmakers debate FTA law
The Board of the Costa Rican Legislative Assembly admitted that it is studying 943 of 1,097 motions against one of the implementation laws of the Free Trade Agreement with the United States which poses danger for Costa Rican farmers and biodiversity
Costa Rica: It’s more than just the numbers
Just over half way through the stipulated time period before certification of the referendum on CAFTA will take place, a meticulous counting of every vote is happening in front of TV cameras, accompanied by a detailed accounting process. For the uninitiated, this provides the illusion of squeaky transparency; how could there be voter fraud here? However, the fraud was committed long before the voting even started - and so far, there is no institution or mechanism willing to name that.
Costa Ricans to strike against FTA
Trade unions from the Costa Rican Electricity Institute announced a strike against the complementary agenda of CAFTA, so that the company continues to govern in the fields of electricity and telecommunications.
Fear and voting in Costa Rica
Costa Rica’s recent referendum was supposed to decide once and for all whether that country should enter into the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). Instead, the Oct. 7 vote polarized and politicized this small country of four and a half million people more than anything since neighboring Nicaragua’s war between the Sandinistas and the Contras two decades ago. And even though supporters of the treaty prevailed by a slim margin, CAFTA opponents still have a few cards to play and may yet block its implementation.
China, Costa Rica to begin FTA process
China and Costa Rica said they will conduct a feasibility study on a free trade agreement — four months after the two established formal diplomatic ties.
Free Trade undermining democracy in Costa Rica
Democracy in Costa Rica was undermined after several violations to costarrican law.
Costa Rican court confirms approval of US free trade pact
Costa Rica’s top electoral court confirmed the results of an Oct. 7 referendum on a free trade agreement with the United States, saying a recount showed the ’yes’ votes only slightly lower than preliminary results had indicated.
Costa Rica’s CAFTA “Si” vote called into question
While free trade proponents cheered, opponents called foul in Costa Rica’s 51.5 percent vote Oct. 7 in favor of ratifying the Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA).
Free-trade fight reflects broader battle
The vote was barely 24 hours away when President Bush’s aides held an emergency conference call at 10:45 p.m. last Friday. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid had sent a letter that could sink a US-led free trade agreement up for referendum in Costa Rica. The Bush team decided to put out its own statement to save it. The trade pact went on to pass narrowly Sunday, but the last-minute drama capped a furious few weeks in which the White House and Congress fought a proxy war in the tiny Central American nation.
Protest US intervention and dirty campaign in Costa Rican CAFTA Referendum
Take action from October 15-20 to demand that the Costa Rica referendum results NOT be certified by the OAS
Costa Rica referendum on CAFTA outcome questioned
US intervention, corruption, and an internationally financed fear campaign provoke questions about referendum process
Costa Ricans narrowly back free trade with US
Costa Ricans narrowly approved — 52% said yes, 48% said no — a free trade deal with the United States in a referendum on Sunday that has split the Central American nation like no other issue in decades.
Costa Rica: ITUC supports "No" to DR-CAFTA in referendum
Despite the overwhelming evidence of workers’ rights being routinely abused, DR-CAFTA offers no solution.
Threats, dirty tricks, fake polls: Costa Rica votes under duress on ’free trade’
It is politically inconceivable that the Democratic majority in Congress — which voted against CAFTA when it was approved here — would move to punish Costa Rica for its voters having rejected the same agreement.