Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
Now the Covid-19 pandemic is no longer in the headlines in many parts of the world, the risk corporations will use investment treaties to claim compensation from governments to cover their losses during these exceptional times is increasing.
Business Ghana
Mr. Mene said, concluding the outstanding negotiations and protocols -phases I and II in full, would create robust implementation of the Agreement. while significant progress had been made with agreement of 87.7 per cent of tariff lines.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog
ISDS in Latin America is here to stay. While disputes in sectors such as pensions and telecoms are becoming more common in the region, we expect to see a ripening of COVID-related, tech and energy disputes.
Africa Business
The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is the world’s newest and most ambitious trade bloc, after the World Trade Organisation, its biggest, covering 1.2bn consumers in 55 countries that together generate annual GDP in excess of $3 trillion.
Mail & Guardian
If the states of the world take seriously their own rhetorical commitments to climate change mitigation, job creation, and sustainable development, they must reject the free trade paradigm.
Socialist Project
Transnational companies today rely more than ever on IPR to structure their global value chains, writes Peter Rossman
The Ecologist
Tackling trade and investment agreements must be an essential step in achieving justice-oriented action on climate change, health inequities and economic injustice.