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Call to accelerate regional integration
The Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat secretary general, Tuiloma Neroni Slade wants the region to intensify and accelerate its efforts towards regional integration.
EPA official dismisses claims of feet dragging
A top official in charge of Antigua & Barbuda’s implementation of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) has struck aside charges that the state has been dragging its feet on giving effect to the pact signed in 2008 with the European Union (EU)
AfDB Warns Zim on EPAS
The African Development Bank (AfDB) has warned Zimbabwe that opening its domestic markets to the European Union under the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPAs), exposes local industries to unfair competition.
EU losing patience
European Union says Jamaica risking credibility with failure to act on partnership agreement
Agreement with Europe begins to kick
A statement credited to Alexander Walford, Policy Officer of the Caribbean-European Union in the European Commission, says that eight Caribbean countries have not implemented tariff cuts on EU goods as required by the Economic Partnership Agreement signed in 2008.
’ACP countries won’t bow to EU pressure’
The African, Caribbean and Pacific group of countries has said it would not bow to pressure by the European Union to sign the Economic Partnership Agreements, until there is a mutually beneficial position that does not threaten regional integration.
Trade pact with Europe still a tough sell to Africa, Pacific bloc
Caught between a proverbial rock and a hard place, African and Pacific countries are still unsure whether they should follow the lead of their Caribbean counterparts and sign a wide-ranging Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) with Europe.
Exporters at risk over delays in EPAs deal
Kenya could lose heavily if Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) are not signed, Musa Sirma, East African Community (EAC) minister said.
EPAs dividing SADC region - official
Southern African Development Community (SADC) integration is compounded by the ongoing Economic Partnership Agreements’ (EPAs) trade negotiations between the European Union (EU), a SADC official said on Wednesday.
CSOs ambush Hannah Tetteh over EPA loose talk
The Hannah Tetteh-led Ministry of Trade and Industry is pushing Ghana to sign up the ever-controversial Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with the 27-member European Union (EU).
Don’t sell Africa back into slavery
Europe has been knocking at the door of Africa in the last decade for Africa leaders to sign the so called Economic partnership Agreement. The partnership Europe has been touting substantially means perpetually subordinating raw-material producing Africa to the economic demands of hyper-industrialized Europe. This is consistent with the euro-America design formulated and religiously pursued since the 16th century.
Trade Ministry allays fear over EPAs
There are renewed calls on the Government to call the bluff of the European Union which is threatening sanctions if Ghana fails to finalize the Economic Partnership Agreement by 2014.
Civil Society unhappy with interim EPA
The Economic Justice Network (EJN) has accused the Minister of Trade and Industry, Ms Hannah Tetteh, of stabbing ECOWAS in the back by indicating that the country can no longer linger on the idea of signing and ratifying the interim agreement on Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA).
Academicians, Diplomats Caution Continent on EPAs
The signing of Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) must be based on Africa’s integration priorities and not dictated by Europe’s interests, a continental forum heard in Dar es Salaam on Friday.
Be careful on EPA talks, Eala cautions bloc
The East African Legislative Assembly has warned that the region stands to lose if it is not careful with Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations with the European Union.
Civil Society Group alleges Trade Minister is rushing to sign Interim EPAS
Ghanaian workers, manufactures, faith-based groups and civil society organisations have said they are alarmed by the knowledge that the Trade and Industry Minister is allegedly pushing for the signing of the Interim Economic Partnership Agreement (IEPA).
Ghana to lose $378m if country signs EPA with EU – Group
Ghana will lose $378 million if the country goes ahead to sign the Economic Partnership Agreements with the European Union, a trade activist has said citing a United Nations Economic Commission for Africa study
EPAs future still hanging in limbo
The future of Malawi in signing the Economic Partnership Agreements still stands in limbo due to the current change of government administration in the country.
EPA Will Thwart Africa’s Industrialisation Efforts
The Economic Justice Network (EJN), a coalition of Ghanaian civil society organisations fighting for economic justice, has cautioned African countries involved in the negotiation of the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) not to succumb to the pressure from European Union (EU) to sign the agreement as it has the potential of disintegrating African economies.
EU, CARIFORUM officials holding talks
A dialogue between European Union (EU) and Caribbean Forum (CARIFORUM) countries began in Dominica on Friday with Europe indicating that in the not too far distance, a new strategy outlining greater cooperation between the two regions could be finalised.