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When investors subvert states
Imagine a scenario where a private company effectively creates and controls its own jurisdiction within a sovereign country. This company introduces its own currency, enacts laws, and establishes courts, prisons, police forces and even intelligence services.
Victories in the global movement against corporate globalization
For half a century, the ISDS system has allowed multinational corporations to run off with billions of taxpayers dollars while allowing them to undermine environmental standards, public health protections, financial regulations, and other sound policies throughout the world.
As Honduras leaves World Bank dispute forum, US tries to keep influence
Honduras’ withdrawal from the World Bank investor dispute forum could have a limited practical effect, but it is already read along ideological lines.
Sánchez, Doggett call for Biden Administration to reform the CAFTA-DR trade agreement
Congresswoman Linda T. Sánchez and Congressman Lloyd Doggett led 45 of their colleagues in calling on the Biden Administration to work to remove the Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism from the Central America – Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement.
China, Honduras hold 4th round of FTA negotiations
The fourth round of negotiations on the China-Honduras Free Trade Agreement (FTA) was held in Beijing from Tuesday to Thursday, the Ministry of Commerce said.
Honduras ratchets up battle with crypto-libertarian investors, rejects World Bank court
After the Honduran president repealed a law granting unfettered authority to outside investors, the cryptoquistadors took the dispute to a World Bank arbitration court.
Economists: "The era of corporate supremacy in the international trade system is coming to an end"
85 leading economists “commend” Honduras’ decision to quit international court that prioritises “corporate profit” over “sustainable development”.
Mexico: follow Honduras or Ecuador?
The question for the next government is: will it continue the neoliberal model under the FTAs ​​and BITs that pledge our sovereignty in courts like the ICSID?
Honduras Denounces the ICSID Convention
On February 24, 2024, the World Bank received a written notice of denunciation of the Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (the ICSID Convention) from the Republic of Honduras.
China, Honduras sign FTA early harvest arrangement
The two sides agreed to commence respective domestic procedures to bring the early harvest arrangement into force.
Government reforms face corporate backlash in Honduras
As President Xiomara Castro’s administration works to mitigate the fallout of the post-coup years, transnational companies are lining up to sue the state for lost profits.
China, Honduras make further progress on bilateral FTA negotiations
China and Honduras held the third round of negotiations for a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) on Monday and Tuesday in Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, completing negotiations for an early harvest arrangement.
Why is Biden endorsing corporate colonialism in Honduras?
The stakes for Honduras are not simply the billions of dollars otherwise destined for health, housing, and education. They are the very existence of Crawfish Rock: the past and future of the families who have inhabited the island for centuries.
When investors subvert states
The ongoing lawsuit brought against Honduras by an American company underscores the unjust and undemocratic nature of the investor-state dispute settlement system.
Honduras is fighting back against corporate colonialism
American billionaires are suing the Honduran government for blocking the creation of a libertarian city-state in the country. If they win, it will be a devastating victory for corporate colonialism over democracy.
In the 1960s, the World Bank created a mechanism that allows corporations to sue states
The investor-state dispute settlement is a system that empowers foreign investors to sue a sovereign government. It was instituted in the 1960s against the votes of most Latin American countries — and continues to wreak havoc today.
Honduras threatens ICSID withdrawal over $11 billion ‘neo-colonial’ special economic zone claim
Honduras is threatening to withdraw from the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes over an $11 billion claim by Honduras Prospera, a US company.
Honduras and China held first FTA negotiations meeting
The first meeting of negotiations for the signing of the Free Trade Agreement between Honduras and China was held here today so as to advance bilateral cooperation, the Foreign Ministry reported.
China, Honduras warm ties grow, free trade agreement in the making
China and Honduras launched talks to reach a free trade agreement as Beijing’s ties with Central American countries continue to grow.
Stand with the people of Honduras against corporate greed
We stand in solidarity with the people of Honduras and condemn US company Próspera’s $11 billion case against the will of the people.