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Thailand signed FTA with EFTA: no worries about TRIPs Plus, except Border Measure & IP Enforcement
While the Thailand - EFTA agreemnts avoids TRIPS-plus measures that would directly impact medicine access and the universal healthcare system, Thai CSOs group remain concerns regarding border measures and intellectual property enforcement.
Thai CSOs warn the senate’s subcommittee about the ongoing FTA negotiation with the EU on TRIPs-plus provisions harmful to access to medicines
FTA Watch representatives warned that stricter IP rules in a potential EU FTA could impact access to medicines, increase healthcare costs, and harm Thailand’s domestic pharmaceutical industry. They also highlighted concerns about EU demands regarding government procurement, plant variety protection (UPOV 1991), and import of remanufactured goods.
Seeds, UPOV91 and trade deals: our response to the Government position
The UK has an opportunity to lead by example, removing UPOV91 provisions from trade deals and redirecting development assistance toward farmer-led initiatives.
Thai CSOs’ letter to the EU chief negotiator regarding concerns over the ongoing FTA negotiation with Thailand
Civil society and non-government organizations in Thailand oppose the provisions proposed by the EU that will have a vast and adverse impact on access to medicines, universal health coverage scheme, agriculture, food sovereignty, consumer protection, and livelihoods of Thai people.
Civil society groups unite to monitor the 4th round of Thailand-EU FTA negotiation
Thai civil society groups, including FTA Watch and the Thai Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS, have expressed serious concerns over the ongoing Thailand-EU Free Trade Agreement negotiations. Key issues include stricter intellectual property rights, which could impact access to affordable medicines, and potential threats to food security and public health. The groups are urging the Thai government to prioritize public health and environmental concerns over corporate interests.
Farmers, food and freedom
How trade deals are undermining the right to seeds.
US, Chile further extend Free Trade Agreement
The enhanced agreement would further protect some US cheeses from losing access once the European Union’s geographical indications commitments enter into force.
I-EU CEPA negotiations hijack democratic rights and ignore potentional impacts on society
Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ) and the Indonesia AIDS Coalition (IAC) criticized the I-EU CEPA, which hijacked the people’s rights to democracy while ignoring the negotiations’ wider impact. The I-EU CEPA negotiations lacked transparency, ignored public aspirations, and did not allow for meaningful participation from civil society groups.
Next steps on the USMCA corn case: What the panelists should ask
This week the US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) dispute over Mexico’s restrictions on genetically modified (GM) corn and glyphosate enters a new phase.
UN criticises EFTA for jeopardising the right to food
The member countries of European Free Trade Association (EFTA) are jeopardising the right to food through free trade agreements with countries of the Global South.
Peoples of Mesoamerica in defence of seeds and maize
This call for the defence of maize and all peasant seeds comes amid increasing pressure to impose the so-called UPOV laws through trade agreements and other neoliberal policies throughout the region.
An international law framework for climate-aligned investment governance
International Investment and Trade Law should be reformed for climate-aligned investment governance.
The hidden costs of the US-Singapore Free Trade Agreement
There are many downsides for Singaporeans that are never mentioned. For consumers, the clause on Intellectual Property Rights has been the most damaging.
India’s newly amended patent rules threaten affordable medicines in the Global South
It is no coincidence that just five days before the amendments were announced, India signed a Free Trade Agreement with the European Free Trade Association.
A matter of Mexican maize and not so free trade agreements
Free trade agreements are threatening the maize crop of Mexico.
TEPA’s IP encroachment: A new barrier to indigenous innovation
The new approach to intellectual property and investment through FTAs accepts an IP maximalist agenda of the United States Trade Representative; it threatens to upset the fine balance between public and private interests and push India away from essential innovations.
Indonesia maintains its position not to accede to UPOV 1991
Indonesia reiterated its position not to accede to the UPOV 1991 to ensure policy space to protect smallholder farmers’ seed systems and plant genetic resources.
Implications for intellectual property rights following Switzerland and India’s new free trade agreement
The FTA contains various provisions on the protection of intellectual property rights that will influence trade between Swiss and Indian companies.
MSF response to signing of EFTA-India trade agreement
MSF is concerned that certain clauses related to intellectual property in this trade deal could significantly undermine the use of existing public health measures enshrined in Indian patent law.