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The Slovak Republic won the arbitration proceedings against the American company Discovery Global LLC
The subject of the dispute was the issue of conducting geological exploration for the purpose of future exploitation of oil and natural gas.
Hungarian oil giant MOL to sue Slovak government for windfall tax
MOL and its Slovak subsidiary Slovnaft are working on a lawsuit against the government for the new windfall tax which aims to raise funds to help with expensive energy for more affected industries and households.
Slovakia reportedly ready to block the deal between the EU and Latin America
Agriculture Minister Gabriela Matečná said Brazil’s approach to the Amazon fires is unacceptable.
Slovakia does not have to compensate the Union private health insurer
The German Supreme Court dismissed the original arbitration decision against Slovakia concerning the ban on health-insurance companies’ profits.
Slovakia payment to Dutch company overturned
Slovakia will no longer have to compensate Achmea B.V., the shareholder of Union ZP health insurer, for €22 million in damage.
The arbitration clause in the Agreement between the Netherlands and Slovakia on the protection of investments is not compatible with EU law
That clause removes from the mechanism of judicial review of EU law disputes which may relate to the application or interpretation of that law.
EU court adviser says arbitration clause in investment treaty is legal
An arbitration clause in an investment treaty between the Netherlands and Slovakia does not violate EU law, an adviser to the EU’s top court said.
Iran signs off on a radical investment treaty: barring arbitrators from wearing two hats, narrowing protections, and limiting damages awards
The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Slovak Republic have signed off on a deeply iconoclastic investment treaty.
Iran-Slovakia BIT (2016)
Health insurers’ profit dispute sent to the EU court
Slovakia has made a step towards reversing an arbitration ruling over the ban of generating profits on private health insurers, the Finance Ministry says.
PKS demands that agro-food sector should be excluded from TTIP
The Slovak Food Chamber (PKS) demands that the entire agro-food sector should be excluded from the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the European Union (EU) and the USA from the very beginning
Slovak assets seized in dispute between state and Achmea
A Luxembourg court has ordered the sequestration of €29.5 million of assets owned by the Slovak Republic as part of a legal action brought against Slovakia by the Dutch company Achmea.
Investment protection - Bilateral Investment Treaties
There is a Slovak proverb which says: “When catching a bird, they sing it a sweet song”. Another Slovak proverb says: “Those who want to beat a dog will certainly find a club“. For investors who find themselves in a situation similar to that described by these proverbs, the bilateral investment treaties (“BITs”) very often provide the last available legal option. A BIT is an agreement establishing the terms and conditions for private investment by nationals and companies of one state in the state of the other.
Torched accord
A recently spawned legal battle between Slovakia and Madeta, the Czech Republic’s largest dairy processor, has led to a discovery that, for the past 10 years, Slovakia has not honored a trade agreement signed between the countries during the Velvet Divorce.
US-Slovak Republic BIT (2004)