Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic
The subject of the dispute was the issue of conducting geological exploration for the purpose of future exploitation of oil and natural gas.
The Slovak Spectator
Agriculture Minister Gabriela Matečná said Brazil’s approach to the Amazon fires is unacceptable.
Slovak Spectator
The German Supreme Court dismissed the original arbitration decision against Slovakia concerning the ban on health-insurance companies’ profits.
The Slovak Spectator
Slovakia will no longer have to compensate Achmea B.V., the shareholder of Union ZP health insurer, for €22 million in damage.
Court of Justice of the European Union
That clause removes from the mechanism of judicial review of EU law disputes which may relate to the application or interpretation of that law.
Slovak Republic
Slovak Spectator
Slovakia has made a step towards reversing an arbitration ruling over the ban of generating profits on private health insurers, the Finance Ministry says.
Slovak Spectator
A Luxembourg court has ordered the sequestration of €29.5 million of assets owned by the Slovak Republic as part of a legal action brought against Slovakia by the Dutch company Achmea.
Trade Compliance Center