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Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (EU-US FTA), sometimes also called Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement (TAFTA)

European trade deals: Greenwashed but still dirty
The strongest economic actors still find their way into the corridors of power of the EU, when we need the planet and the most vulnerable around the world to take power away from them.
Auto industry calls for new trade agreement with USA
In view of billions in subsidies in the United States, the German auto industry is pressing for rapid negotiations on a free trade agreement with the United States.
Brussels tells Scholz not to revive ghost of TTIP
Officials in Washington and Brussels pour cold water on German plan to restart transatlantic trade talks.
Germany wants new trade talks with US after midterm elections
Strong support for such talks coming from Germany is significant as the country was the heartland of public protest against previous negotiations for a deal with the US.
Germany wants TTIP free trade deal between EU and US back on the agenda
Germany’s finance minister has put the controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) free trade deal between the US and European Union back on the agenda.
Merkel wants Europe, United States to aim for new trade deal
A trade agreement between the United States and the European Union would "make a lot of sense", German Chancellor Angela Merkel said.
EU reportedly seeks to side with US on tech against China, revive parts of TTIP
A cooperation plan between Brussels and Washington reportedly includes attempts to revive parts of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) that focus on regulatory cooperation regarding new technologies.
Dombrovskis: Deep and comprehensive trade deal with the US ‘not feasible’
The EU does not see it feasible going back to deep and comprehensive free trade agreement negotiations with the US but would explore mini-deals.
EU agrees to cut taxes on US lobsters in modest trade pact
The EU agreed to drop its 8% tariff on US lobsters while the US agreed to cut in half tariffs on EU imports, including some prepared meals, crystal glassware and cigarette lighters.
EU seeks trade truce with US amid virus crisis
The EU’s top trade official hopes the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic will spur efforts to heal US trade ties, bogged down in a tit-for-tat tariff feud.
A fast track to weaker food standards
Will the EU concede to the demands of US negotiators on food standards? The Commission can in fact circumvent the mandate by using other methods that make it much easier to weaken standards.
EU: mini US deal will only tackle regulatory barriers
The European Union is prepared to lower barriers for US agricultural goods such as GMOs as part of a mini trade deal, but don’t expect bigger concessions like cutting tariffs or changing EU laws, an EU official said.
US-EU trade talks: Under the spectre of coronavirus pandemic
Attempts by EU and US officials to come to an interim ‘mini’ agreement on modest issues by March 18th have been met with scepticism among European lawmakers.
There’s nothing “mini” about the US plan to unravel Europe’s precautionary principle
US trade negotiators, Agriculture Secretary, and American farm interests have all been crystal clear: the precautionary principle must go, and now is the time to finally axe it.
Embracing technology to feed a growing world
It is time for America and Europe to embrace innovation and technology in a safe, sustainable agriculture, says US Secretary of Agriculture.
US statement at the EU trade policy review
The US is troubled by the EU’s non-tariff barriers that impede the use of modern agricultural tools and technologies such as biotechnology, veterinary drugs and pathogen reduction treatments.
Health, environment and climate are not negotiable
More than 100 Civil society organisations demand a stop to trade talks that will further endanger EU rules on health and the environment and aggravate the climate crisis. A change of course is needed.
Questions and answers on the EU-US trade talks
What are the reasons for the EU to talk trade with the US again and what would be the consequences?
As Trump takes aim at EU trade, European officials brace for fight
A scaled-down deal could include European apples and pears, US seafood, and food safety standards.
Member states ‘in the dark’ over Commission’s talks with the US
A group of EU member states are unhappy about the lack of information from the European Commission on the trade talks with the US and have expressed their “nervousness” about what could be in the deal.