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EU-Tanzania seal $205m investment deal
The two sides have managed to separate the grant from their long-running dispute over the proposed Economic Partnership Agreement, media have been told.
“The most remarkable rejection of free trade you’ve never heard of”
Africans are insisting on actual economic development which is leaving European trade negotiators exasperated. Rick Rowden explains why their stand is historic and right.
The EAC-EU EPA: Tanzania is raising pertinent issues
Tanzania is reluctant to sign and ratify the EPA raising a number of issues including the implications of the EPA on EAC’s development in general and industrialisation in particular.
East Africa: EPA and diplomatic chess games in EAC
The East African Community is once again facing a delicate diplomatic situation as it seems now more than ever that, after protracted negotiations, member states may have to just agree to disagree on the Economic Partnership Agreement.
East Africa: EPA trade deal with Europe is a form of colonialism, says Magufuli
Tanzanian President John Magufuli described the Economic Partnership Agreement as a "form of colonialism", dampening the country’s possibility of signing the deal with the European Union.
East Africa: Tanzania demands study on impact of EU trade deal
Tanzania wants a study conducted on the impact of the Economic Partnership Agreement with the European Union on the East African Community.
East Africa: Private sector to shape EPA deal
The Tanzania government will take the views of the private sector in deliberation of its position on the Economic Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the East African Community.
Tanzanian sues to stop Kenya from concluding trade deal with Europe
Kenya’s quest to close an economic partnership agreement (EPA) with the European Union ahead of next year’s deadline has run into fresh head winds after a Tanzanian lodged a civil suit in the East African Court of Justice, seeking to stop it.
Tanzanian parliament scuttles EPA deal ahead of January meeting
The Tanzanian parliament has shot down plans for the country to sign the economic partnership agreement (EPA).
Why East Africa should reject European pact
Countries in East Africa are ready to sign on a poorly understood trade agreement with the EU whose overall impact will be disastrous for years to come.
Why East Africa should reject EPA deal with European Union
Europe is in crisis, and yet countries in East Africa are ready to sign on a poorly understood trade agreement with the EU whose overall impact will be disastrous for years to come. The good thing for Tanzania is that there are three months for debate.
East Africa: Zitto - Tanzania to lose Sh1.7 trillion through EPA
Tanzania will lose $865 million in revenue during the 25 years of implementing the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) should the East African Community sign the pact with the European Union: Zitto Kabwe.
EAC infighting highlights divisions, threatens EU trade deal
Divisions in the EAC over the EU EPA highlights problems in the bloc and competing developmental strategies; if the EAC cannot act as one, can it survive?
Divided EAC pushes EU agreement to January
Kenya will have to lobby for its own duty-free market access to Europe to shield its exports to the European Union from taxes.
Why EAC’s EPA wit the EU just doesn’t add up
The EPA issue has once again re-emerged when Tanzania informed EAC Members and the EU that it would not be able to sign the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between EU and the six EAC Member States.
Collapse of EU trade deal: Kenya finds itself isolated for a third time in four months
Kenya finds itself isolated after its peers in East Africa develop cold feet on a trade deal with the European Union.
Economic Partnership Agreement has never made much sense for Tanzania
The maths just never added up. The costs for the country and the EAC region would have been higher than the benefits.
Signing of the EAC-EU EPA: Tanzania refusal letter
By the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Eastern African Cooperation, United Republic of Tanzania
East Africa: Why cautionary approach to EPA’s deal is important
Signing this pact at the moment would expose young EAC countries to harsh economic conditions in post-Brexit Europe
East Africa: Uganda hints at adopting Dar’s standpoint on EPA
Uganda is prepared to delay the signing of the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) after Tanzania, one of the East Africa Community (EAC) partner states, raised the red flag.