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Tunisia to face sand mining claim
Minerali Industriali is taking action under the Italy-Tunisia bilateral investment treaty for alleged mistreatment related to its sand mining and processing business.
Zenith Energy wins key decision in ICSID arbitration
In a significant legal development, Zenith Energy Ltd. announced that the ICSID has rejected a request for bifurcation by the Republic of Tunisia in an ongoing arbitration case.
Russia reaffirms commitment to free trade zone with North African countries, including Morocco
Russia is preparing agreements on a free trade zone with Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria. That’s the whole of North Africa.
Update on arbitrations against the Republic of Tunisia
The investors have determined a revised amount of US$503 million as the total claimed amount of the ICSID Arbitration
Europe and Asia: which countries Ukraine plans to conclude and update FTAs with this year
Ukraine is preparing to approve and update several free trade agreements (FTAs) with several European and Asian countries in the near future.
USD 12 billion dispute decided in Tunisia’s favour
A wrangle over a shareholding in a Tunisian bank which dates back to the 1980s has finally been resolved in arbitration.
Tunisia and Turkey formalize revision of free trade agreement
As part of efforts to strengthen economic relations between Tunisia and Turkey, Tunisian Minister of Trade and Export Development, Kalthoum Ben Rejeb, and her Turkish counterpart, Omar Bulat, officially signed the revised free trade agreement between the two countries on December 3, in Istanbul.
Free trade and debt: the two sides of neocolonialism
Highlights from the workshop organised in Marrakesh by Attac Maroc,, CADTM Africa, GRAIN and the Tunisian Observatory of Economy.
Zenith adds another arbitration case over Tunisia problems
Zenith Energy has launched international arbitration in Paris against state-owned Entreprise Tunisienne d’Activités Pétrolières (ETAP).
The EU’s extractive trade policies in Tunisia contribute to migration
If the EU really wants to address what it calls a ‘migration crisis’, it needs to rethink how it trades with the rest of the world.
Tunisia to review free trade agreement with Turkey
Tunisia’s ministry of Trade is set to amend a free trade agreement with Turkey, believed detrimental to the North African country, reports say.
Russian Federation includes Morocco in North African free trade zone project
During a meeting with his Cabinet of Ministers, president Putin announced his intention to sign free trade agreements with several North African countries, namely Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt.
Zenith Energy Ltd launches legal proceedings against Tunisia, seeking compensation of $48 Million
Zenith Energy Ltd, an international energy firm, filed a lawsuit against Tunisia on Wednesday, claiming financial damages of at least $48 million.
Signing of PTA can boost bilateral trade: Tunisia envoy
Negotiations on a preferential trade agreement between Tunisia and Pakistan, which started three years ago, are near to be finalised.
Signs of an emerging France-Algeria-Tunisia axis to restrain Morocco
The visit was thus a telling declaration of intentions from both the Tunisian and Algerian regimes, who have ever since appeared to be striving to deepen bilateral ties to form a Maghrebi bloc to undermine Morocco’s strategic interests.
Tension between Tunis and Rabat risks affecting economic ties
The diplomatic tensions between Rabat and Tunis due to the support shown by Kais Saied to the Polisario separatist militias could spill over to economic ties between the two countries.
Tunisian employers call for a free trade agreement between Tunisia and Algeria
The Tunisian Union of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts (UTICA) is campaigning for the signing of a free trade and free movement agreement between Tunisia and Algeria.
‘Renewable’ energy in Tunisia: an unjust transition
Following the principles set out in the ECT, the EU is seeking to deepen liberalization in order to standardize the Tunisian legislative framework through FTA negotiations.
Tunisia envoy hope for finalization of Pak-Tunisia proposed PTA
There have been several rounds of negotiation between the two countries on finalizing the PTA, and also an exchange of potential trade lists between the two countries.
OTE calls for revision of trade agreements disadvantageous to Tunisia
The worsening trade deficit with China and Turkey is contributing to the draining of foreign exchange reserves and seriously threatens local production, according to a review.