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Alert! EU-US Transatlantic FTA - Call for mobilisation in Europe and the United States

Seattle to Brussels Network | 15 February 2013

Alert! EU-US Transatlantic FTA - Call for mobilisation in Europe and the United States

EU-US Transatlantic Free Trade Agreement: More injustice, unemployment and environmental destruction

Presidents Obama, EU Council President Van Rompuy and EU Commission President Barroso committed on Feb 13 to start EU-US trade and investment negotiations, which may strongly affect social, labor and environmental rights in both sides of the Atlantic and deepen global trade and investment liberalization. Indeed, elites from both sides explicitly aim at greater transatlantic regulatory convergence and harmonization of future regulations between the EU and the US, in the only interests of transnational corporations and financial industry. Our aspiration to build alternatives to the existing trade and investment regime, as to the existing development model, might be seriously affected by this negotiations.

 Read or download theS2B Alert! EU-US Transatlantic FTA - Call for mobilisation in Europe and the United States
 Read or download the Joint statement from United States President Barack Obama, European Council President Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission President José Manuel Barroso
 Read or download the EU Commission Press Release
 Read or download the background document from the preparatory process Final Report - High Level Working Group on Jobs and Growth

Join us to stop this "free trade" agenda. Let us know if your organisation is willing to work with us and contribute the future campaignes.

Looking forward to hear from you

Bruno Ciccaglione
Coordinator of the Seattle to Brussels Network

 source: S2B