Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ) and WALHI (Friends of the Earth Indonesia) released a joint statement raises critical concerns about the proposed Indonesia-EU CEPA. It highlights the potential negative impacts of the agreement, particularly when coupled with Indonesia’s Omnibus Law, on the environment, Indigenous communities, and biodiversity.
This explainer sheds light on how Clive Palmer is using Investor-State Dispute Settlement provisions in trade agreements to claim up to $420 billion from the Australian government.
Clive Palmer’s latest claims join a growing global list of ISDS claims by fossil fuel companies defined by the UN and the OECD as threats to the global climate transition.
FTA Watch representatives warned that stricter IP rules in a potential EU FTA could impact access to medicines, increase healthcare costs, and harm Thailand’s domestic pharmaceutical industry. They also highlighted concerns about EU demands regarding government procurement, plant variety protection (UPOV 1991), and import of remanufactured goods.
The EU desires open access to Indonesian nickel, crucial for its green transition, yet criticizes extractive practices in the Global South. Indonesia, however, seeks to develop its own processing industries and restrict raw material exports.
Trade deals can allow international corporations to trample over the rights of governments in the Global South. That is the message from the Colombian government, which describes the effect of such deals as a “bloodbath” for their national sovereignty.
Thailand and Bahrain are discussing a free trade agreement (FTA) to boost trade and investment. The FTA talks, along with Thailand’s potential role as a food security hub for the Middle East, were discussed between the countries’ commerce ministers. Bahrain is Thailand’s 9th largest trading partner in the Middle East, with key Thai exports including automobiles, gems, and machinery.
China’s bid to join the CPTPP faces obstacles, primarily due to geopolitical considerations rather than purely economic ones. While China’s economic clout makes its inclusion seem logical, some CPTPP members, influenced by the US, appear to be blocking China’s entry to limit its influence in the Asia-Pacific region.
India worries about China-Maldives FTA potential impact on Maldives’ financial stability and has hinted that this could influence India’s future financial aid policy towards the island nation. This comes despite recent financial assistance from India to the Maldives.
Prime Minister Modi’s upcoming visit to Washington DC will prioritize talks on a limited trade deal with the US, focusing on tariff concessions and investment agreements.
Uruguay is currently facing five international lawsuits, according to the future Pro-secretary of the Presidency, Jorge Lopez, of the Frente Amplio government that will take office on March 1.