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From the movements

IEU CEPA: A threat to the environment, indigenous peoples, and biodiversity

Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ) and WALHI (Friends of the Earth Indonesia) released a joint statement raises critical concerns about the proposed Indonesia-EU CEPA. It highlights the potential negative impacts of the agreement, particularly when coupled with Indonesia’s Omnibus Law, on the environment, Indigenous communities, and biodiversity.

Thai CSOs warn the senate’s subcommittee about the ongoing FTA negotiation with the EU on TRIPs-plus provisions harmful to access to medicines

FTA Watch representatives warned that stricter IP rules in a potential EU FTA could impact access to medicines, increase healthcare costs, and harm Thailand’s domestic pharmaceutical industry. They also highlighted concerns about EU demands regarding government procurement, plant variety protection (UPOV 1991), and import of remanufactured goods.

The EU’s lust for Indonesia’s nickel supply

The EU desires open access to Indonesian nickel, crucial for its green transition, yet criticizes extractive practices in the Global South. Indonesia, however, seeks to develop its own processing industries and restrict raw material exports.

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