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Australia-US FTA goes into effect
The agreement was first mooted in November 2002 and has been strongly backed by Australian Prime Minister John Howard, who claims it as a major achievement of his government. But critics have derided it as a sell-out to US interests.
Frustrated Australia resorts to bilateral free-trade deals
Frustrated with global trade talks, Australia is using a slew of free-trade agreements to win business across the Asian-Pacific region.
US drug makers pressure Canberra
US drug manufacturers are planning a New Year’s push to pressure Canberra to unwind initiatives to cut medicine prices.
Open Letter to the Government and the People of Australia
Regarding the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and Thailand conflicting the provisions of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand B.E. 2540 (1997)
Rules of origin: US, Thai FTA’s ’most restrictive’
An Australian Productivity Commission report into trade and assistance reviews found conditions attached to the free trade agreements signed with the United States and Thailand would be more restrictive than similar deals.
Gvt procurement: FTA provides lucrative contracts for Australian businesses
Australian businesses are preparing for an assault on the $200 billion US Government procurement market when the US-Australia FTA takes effect in just over a fortnight.
Net giants seek to change FTA rules
Australia’s largest internet service providers have made an 11th-hour bid to amend the free trade agreement with the US, claiming it would expose them to an avalanche of litigation.
SPS issues and free trade agreements
While the main US goal on agriculture in many FTA negotiations often is to secure non-SPS related concessions such as lower tariffs, the foreign partners often see the FTA as an opportunity to resolve outstanding SPS issues with the US as well as seek accelerated new market access to the US for their animal and plant products.
Milking Thailand: The Thai-Australia Free Trade Agreement
In Thailand, the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) debates were heated. Farmers and critics claim that Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra’s government sold out small farmers to their own big business interests. They took to the streets in protest while Thaksin lambasted them and obscured negotiation details.
Senate debate begins on Thai FTA deal
Debate has begun in the Senate on laws enabling the Thailand-Australia Free Trade Agreement to take effect from next year.
FTA to create opportunities: Zoellick
The free trade agreement (FTA) between Australia and the United States would create real economic opportunities in both countries for businesses, farmers, and workers, US trade representative Robert Zoellick said.
Trading in food safety? The impact of trade agreements on quarantine in Australia
Australia has always enjoyed rigorous national food standards that were applied equally to both domestically produced and imported food. The capacity to maintain and apply these standards, however, is now being undermined by international trade agreements and procedures for settling trade disputes with a result that challenges to public health are being significantly increased.
Copyright inquiry could save FTA
An inquiry into computer and television piracy could break the impasse threatening to delay the start of the free trade deal with the US.
Key free-trade deal deadline missed
Australia and the United States have missed a key deadline for their free trade agreement but Australian Trade Minister Mark Vaile remains confident the deal will start as planned on January 1.
T Shinawatra, Aust partner await FTA
T Shinawatra Thai Silk (Thailand) Co Ltd, a family business of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, is negotiating with an Australian fashion designer to form a joint venture that benefits from low import tariffs under the Thai-Australia free-trade agreement.
Schieffer aims to fix FTA impasse
The United States ambassador to Australia has left for Washington in a final bid to work through details holding up the free trade agreement (FTA) between the two countries.
Australia optimistic about free trade pact with China
Australian Trade Minister Mark Vaile said negotiating an FTA with China would be "arguably more important" than the Australia-US free trade deal recently concluded and due to come into operation on January 1.
US concern poses threat to free trade deal
The United States’ continuing concern about Australian laws is threatening to delay the countries’ free-trade agreement.
Australia may bow to pressure from US drug firms on FTA
Prime Minister John Howard may bow to a concerted campaign by American drug companies against the amendments that the government was forced into accepting upon pressure from the Labor Party.
Fast track Australian FTA with China: farmers
Australian grain growers, who stood to gain billions of dollars in new trade targeting the Chinese food and livestock sectors, are demanding that the federal government fast track a free trade deal with China.