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’South-south cooperation a viable strategy’
Developing countries have talked of the philosophy of South-south cooperation for development for a very long time. A number of initiatives was launched during the 1960s and 1970s. However, progress was modest because of lack of resources and institutional weaknesses in developing countries. With the emergence of countries like Brazil, India and South Africa in this millennium with considerable capabilities and collective development experiences that South-south cooperation has begun to be seen as a viable strategy.
‘Need to make some adjustments for India-Australia FTA’
India-Australia free trade agreement (FTA) offers India “another opportunity to move the economy into greater efficiency by narrowing trade barriers and increasing access by outsiders to Indian economy,” though this entails some initial adjustment costs.
’India, Australia need to make adjustments for FTA’
Both India and Australia will have to make "adjustments" for reaching at a market-opening Free Trade Agreement, a senior Australian official said on Wednesday.
Labour-intensive exports to gain from India-Australia trade pact
The proposed free trade agreement (FTA) between India and Australia could result in better market access for labour-intensive Indian exp orts including textiles, clothing and footwear where existing tariffs are high in Australia. While the sectors are perceived as “sensitive” in Australia, the country believes in elimination of tariffs on all sectors in its FTAs, Australian trade officials say.
India-Myanmar trade and investment talks
Union Minister of State for Commerce and Power Jairam Ramesh is heading an official delegation for trade and investment talks with the Government of Myanmar in Mandalay today where he will take up the issue of expanding trade centres along the 1600-kms India-Myanmar border.
India seeks expansion of border trade with Myanmar
India would seek to expand border trade by opening more trading points along the 1,600-km border it shares with Myanmar during the two-day talks to be held at Mandalay in that country beginning Tuesday.
IBSA nations set trilateral trade target of $15 bn
Reflecting their growing economic ties, India, Brazil and South Africa (IBSA) have set an ambitious trade target of $15 billion between the three countries by 2010.
Japan trade deal unlikely this year
The proposed India-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA), involving trade in goods, services and investments, is unlikely to be signed this year.
India, China complete FTA feasibility study: Minister
India and China have completed a feasibility study on their proposed Free Trade Agreement. It now awaits the approval of the leadership of the two countries.
Financial crisis top on agenda at IBSA summit
When leaders of India, Brazil and South Africa meet next week for their annual trilateral summit, the one issue on top of their minds will be the unfolding financial crisis.
Japan trade talks with India hit bottleneck: Official
Prospects of Japan and India reaching a free-trade deal in time for a leaders’ summit this month have weakened, with a number of areas in dispute, a Japanese negotiator said on Thursday.
Little scope for Europe-Asia FTAs
Plans to conclude free trade agreements (FTAs) between the European Union and several Asian economies are unlikely to be realised in the near future, a senior Brussels official has conceded.
IBSA meet to talk trade on Oct 13
Business leaders from India, Brazil and South Africa are meeting here on October 13 to deliberate on trilateral trade co-operation and will also discuss issues related to tourism and student exchange programme.
Indo-Japan CEPA put on fast track ahead of PM visit
A number of issues in the proposed India-Japan comprehensive economic partnership agreement (CEPA) are yet to be resolved, but efforts will be made to sort them out so that an announcement on the signing of the agreement could be made during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s visit to Japan later this month.
Impact study of FTAs on industry
The Centre will soon study the impact of the 30 free trade agreements (FTA), which India has with different countries and regions, on the consumers as well as India Inc. These FTAs are either concluded or under negotiation or in the proposal stage.
Don’t use trade for resolving non-trade issues: Kamal Nath
"Increasingly we hear about proposals in the EU for levy of carbon tax on imports into EU, ban on imports on allegations of labour law violations and use of child labour etc. Any effort to combine trade with other social issues would prove to be disastrous for bilateral trade" says India’s commerce minister about the EU-India FTA.
India seeks ADB funding to help FTA-hit firms
India has asked the Asian Development Bank to contribute to a fund to help compensate industries in the country, such as pepper growers in Kerala, that are adversely hit by the market-opening free trade agreements with several Asian countries.
India to sign ASEAN trade deal mid-Dec - minister
India will sign a free trade deal with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as expected in December after around four years of talks, an Indian minister said on Monday.
India trade unions, people’s movement and civil society groups call for immediate halt to EU-India FTA negotiations
As the two day (29-30 September, 2008) EU-India summit begins at Marseilles in France, civil society groups from across India demand a complete halt of the ongoing EU-India FTA negotiations.
Trade deal poses grave risks for India’s workers and poor
A proposed Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between India and the EU poses a real threat to millions of small businesses, workers and farmers, according to a report published today by Traidcraft.