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Malaysia won’t hasten FTA negotiations with US
Malaysia considers a free trade agreement (FTA) with the US to be "a serious concern" and that is why it does not want to be rushed into wrapping up the negotiations, International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz stressed, Tuesday.
FTA: Malaysia imposes terms on data exclusivity for US pharmaceuticals
Malaysia has set some conditions in agreeing to the U.S. request for data exclusivity (DE) for new pharmaceutical products in the bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations, Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek said today.
Chile and Malaysia to start FTA talks
A Chilean high level delegation started negotiations with Malaysia to establish a Free Trade Agreement between the two countries, said Chile’s Palace of La Moneda (Government House) Thursday.
No compromise on GM food labelling
Malaysia will not compromise on mandatory labelling for genetically-modified (GM) foods or products in its negotiations with the US for a Free Trade Agreement (FTA), according to Natural Resources and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid.
Re-think needed on free trade pact
It is difficult to identify what benefits the proposed US FTA holds for Malaysia. Supporters of the deal have trotted out the usual platitudes. However, large numbers of people remain unconvinced of these arguments.
Scientist warns of US FTA used to push GE rice
Dr. Michael K Hansen, from US Centre of Consumer Policy, advises a cautious attitude towards an FTA with the US as the US has a hidden agenda in seeking to protect its farmers who now face more than RM4.6 billion in losses due to the lack of demand for GE rice.
Details of FTA talks cannot be revealed: Rafidah
Minister of International Trade and Industry, Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz, said details of the free trade agreement (FTA) negotiation cannot be revealed because the talks are still on-going.
Activists celebrate as Malaysia-US FTA deadline expires
Malaysian opponents of a free-trade deal with the United States celebrated Saturday after the countries missed an end-of-the-month deadline to fast-track an agreement.
’Jamu’ makers get ready for AFTA by standardising products
‘Jamu’ or medicinal herb tonic producers in the Southeast Asian (SEA) region are making efforts to standardize their commodities in the face of the advent of the Asean Free Trade Area (AFTA), an Indonesian jamu businessman said.
Cabinet takes stand on some issues in FTA talks with the US, says Najib
Malaysia’s Cabinet has "made some decisions" on points of contention in the negotiations with the US on a free trade agreement (FTA), Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak said Wednesday.
Malaysia-US FTA talks set to resume in mid-April
The Malaysia-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) talks are expected to resume in Washington in mid-April.
US gives up FTA deal with Malaysia before fast-track deadline
The United States has given up completing negotiations for a free trade agreement with Malaysia in time for submission under President George W. Bush fast-track negotiating authority expires, a spokesman for the US Trade Representative said Friday.
Malaysia mulls FTA with GCC countries
International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz said Malaysia is considering discussing free trade agreement (FTA) with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.
Table FTA document in Parliament for debate - backbencher
A backbencher today called for the Malaysia-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) document to be tabled in Parliament to be debated.
Confusion surrounding FTA due to lack of understanding, says Rafidah
Some of the negative comments made on the Malaysia-US Free Trade Agreement negotiations have been due to a lack of understanding of the FTA and the related issues, Minister of International Trade and Industry Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz said today.
Free trade deal cannot make deadline, says US
The United States government on Friday all but ruled out the chances of a free trade deal with Malaysia before a crucial deadline expires in two weeks.
KL not bound by timeframe to decide on M’sia-US FTA - Najib
Malaysia is not bound by any timeframe to give a decision on the issues at stake in the ongoing Free Trade Agreement (FTA) talks with the United States, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said Sunday.
The people have decided! The Cabinet is still pondering!
While a group of us were waiting anxiously at the entrance of Prime Minister’s office at about 8.45 am today, suddenly we heard a loud chanting in the air and then we realized about 500 over people were walking from the Putrajaya mosque towards where we are standing and made one full circle around the PM office before the crowd stopped at the front gate of the PM office.
About 200 in protest over Malaysia-US free trade deal
About 200 people opposed to a free trade agreement (FTA) with the United States gathered for a rare protest outside the Malaysian prime minister’s office Wednesday.
CAP worries FTA threatens GM food labelling
Consumers Association of Penang is extremely concerned and anxious that Malaysia’s Biosafety Bill and an amendment to the Food Regulations are now threatened by proposals made in the negotiations for a free trade agreement with the United States.