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US expects smooth talk with Malaysia on future FTA
Malaysia and United States will start preliminary discussions on free trade area (FTA) agreement in Kuala Lumpur next week with US chief negotiator expressing confident it will take place in smooth and protest-free environment.
USTR mulls FTA talks with Egypt, S Korea, Malaysia, Swiss
The Bush administration is considering free-trade negotiations with Egypt, South Korea, Malaysia, and Switzerland, the US Trade Representative’s top agriculture trade negotiator said Monday.
Green signal for Ceca with Malaysia
A comprehensive economic cooperation agreement (CECA) between India and Malaysia may soon become a reality. The joint study group appointed by the two countries to examine the feasibility of such an agreement has given it the green signal.
Malaysia, Pakistan to conclude FTA talks by mid-2006
Malaysia and Pakistan are expecting to conclude negotiations on a bilateral free trade agreement by mid-2006, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry Ministry said.
Pakistan: FTAs with 4 states likely in 2005-06
China, Malaysia, Thailand and Turkey have agreed to separately sign Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with Pakistan preferably during the current fiscal year.
Robust outlook conducive for US-Malaysia FTA talks
An 18-member mission of the US-Asean Business Council visited Malaysia recently to encourage the start of bilateral FTA talks with the US.
Accord on early harvest programme with Malaysia next week
Pakistan and Malaysia are signing agreement on Early Harvest Programme (EHP) next week, reducing tariff on 239 industrial and agricultural products, to be effective from next calendar year.
FTA to enhance Japan-M’sia economic relations, says Koizumi
The Japan-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) will boost trade and investment, improve competitiveness and advance Tokyo-Kuala Lumpur economic relations to a new stage, says Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.
FTA held up by trivial items
TOILET seats, dolls and chewing gum were some of the products a bemused Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz said had presented a hitch to the negotiations to the Asean-India Free Trade Agreement (AIFTA).
New chapter in strategic ties
Excerpts of New Straits Times interview with Japan’s Ambassador to Malaysia, Tadashi Imai.
Japan, Malaysia to sign FTA next week in Kuala Lumpur
apan and Malaysia are scheduled to sign a bilateral free trade agreement (FTA) during their summit talks in Kuala Lumpur next week on the sidelines of the inaugural East Asian Summit, Japanese officials said Friday.
M’sia-US FTA can conclude within given timeframe, says US official
The possibility Malaysia signing a Free Trade Area (FTA) agreement with the United States before June 2007 is possible as both governments are seriously undertaking a study on the pact.
US hopes to conclude FTA with M’sia by June ’07
The United States hopes to conclude any possible Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Malaysia by June 2007, said Assistant US Trade Representative for Southeast Asia and Pacific Affairs Barbara Weisel.
Malaysia, Pakistan sign accord to reduce trade tariffs
Malaysia and Pakistan on Saturday agreed to remove tariffs on scores of products they trade with each other including fish, fabric, fruit and machines as the first step toward a planned free trade agreement.
US mulling free-trade deals with Egypt, South Korea, Malaysia
The Bush administration said it’s considering separate entreaties from Egypt, Malaysia, South Korea and Switzerland to negotiate free-trade agreements with them.
Third round of NZ-M’sia FTA talks on Sept 14
THE proposed New Zealand-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is on track, with the third round of talks to be hosted in Kuala Lumpur on Sept 14.
India hopes to expand scope of bilateral trade with Malaysia
India hopes to expand the scope and coverage of trade with Malaysia once a Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) between Malaysia and India is completed.
Rafidah says Japan-M’sia FTA may be signed in December
International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz said she was confident that Malaysia would be able to sign a free trade agreement with Japan by December this year.
Japan to boost aid for Asia to promote FTA
As part of efforts to promote free trade agreements (FTA) with Asian countries, Japan will step up such industrial aid as technical cooperation and personnel development for their automotive sectors.
M’sia-Australia to conclude negotiations on joint FTA by mid-2006
The process of negotiation for the possible Malaysia-Australia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is expected to be concluded by mid-2006, Minister of International Trade and Industry, Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz said.