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US-UAE TIFA (2004)
US investment in the Middle East at approximately US$90 billion
Mr. William Lash, U.S. Assistant Secretary of Commerce, stated to Al-Hayat that "the amount of American investments in the Middle East has reached $90 Billion Dollars". He also revealed that the "American private sector investments in Qatar reached three billion dollars while the rate of trade exchange with Qatar is $800 million dollars."
Indonesia, US revive bilateral trade and investment talks
Indonesia and the United States met and revived bilateral talks on trade and investment here on Friday — a move that could lead to free trade negotiations between the two countries.
Tifa is contrary to national interest
Bangladesh will lose its right to speak for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) if it signs the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (Tifa) with the United States, economists at a discussion said yesterday.
Draft TIFA between USA and Bangladesh leaked: A quick analysis
USA is forcing Bangladesh to sign a Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA), that will bind Bangladesh to work with USA on the successful completion of the Doha Development Agenda (DDA) and will provide extra facilities to USA "without prejudice to each party’s rights and obligations" under the WTO.
US-Bangladesh TIFA (draft)
Draft text of the US-Bangladesh Trade and Investment Framework Agreement as of 30 January 2005
US for corruption clause in trade agreement with Dhaka
The US is firmly against Bangladesh’s request to exclude a clause related to bribery and corruption from the proposed Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) between the two countries, reports Xinhua.
US-M’sia FTA may take some time
The US-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement (FTA) talks are unlikely to begin this year as the two countries have only begun formal discussions on the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) earlier this month.
TIFA to undermine political authority
The proposed trade and investment framework agreement between Dhaka and Washington aims to establish a joint council on trade and investment by passing the political process and entrusting the fate of trade negotiations with bureaucrats.
Tifa draft finalised
Dhaka and Washington through a two-day negotiation ending yesterday finalised the draft of Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (Tifa) paving the way further for creating a platform to talk bilateral trade issues.
Dhaka softens on graft, transparency in TIFA: Draft agreement almost ready
Bangladesh and US trade officials are close to finalising a draft for a trade and investment framework agreement (TIFA), as Dhaka softened its positions on key debated issues.
TIFA talks start today
Dhaka is likely to soften its position on inclusion of a clause related to bribery and corruption as it enters into the third round of talks with Washington today on a trade and investment framework agreement, sources in the commerce ministry have told New Age.
Labour, environment, IPR left out of TIFA text
The US has agreed to Bangladesh’s proposal for exclusion of issues related to labour laws, environment and intellectual property rights from the main text of a proposed trade and investment framework agreement the two countries are likely to sign some time this year.