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Debunking government claims on RCEP
As Trade Justice Pilipinas articulated in an earlier statement: “RCEP will further prop up a broken economic model that we need to radically transform in favor of one that is more resilient.”
RCEP mega trade deal to take effect in January, Australia says
The RCEP, a major trade deal including Japan, China, ASEAN, Australia and other members, is set to take effect on Jan. 1, the Australian government has announced.
The Asia-Pacific’s free trade disagreements
It’s not just the different agreements, per se – the distinctly different models of FTAs are complicating trade regimes in the region.
Russia would like BiH to conclude free trade agreement with Eurasian Customs Union
Russia to provide support to Bosnia and Herzegovina in the process of concluding a free trade agreement with the Eurasian Economic Union.
Iran starts free trade talks with EAEU in Armenia
Iran and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) have started three-day talks in the Armenian capital to discuss a potential free trade deal between the two sides.
Ukraine, Chile interested in concluding free trade agreement – Economy Ministry
Ukraine aims to deepen bilateral cooperation with Chile in the trade and economic sector by concluding a free trade agreement (FTA).
New US pork rules a boon to farmers
Lawmakers are concerned about the consequences for Taiwan’s bid to join the CPTPP if people vote to ban the import of pork products containing ractopamine residue in a referendum on Dec. 18.
Missing from the climate talks: Corporate powers to sue governments over extractives policies
Allowing oil, mining, and gas companies to continue to file expensive lawsuits over environmental regulations could undermine whatever agreements might be reached in the COP26 in Glasgow.
Africa’s economic trade-off
Africa’s new free trade area could transform the continent’s economy. But without strong social protections, it may result in more precarious work.
SADC countries unhappy with major new framework for relations with the EU
Southern African countries have rattled the European Union by indicating they might reopen negotiations on a major new, long-range framework for relations between Europe and developing countries that has already been accepted by all sides.
SACU and South America to deepen trade relations
Officials from the Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU) and the South American-based Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) have reaffirmed their commitment to the full implementation of the Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA).
Gov’t yet to consult with farmers on RCEP
The Federation of Free Farmers (FFF) urged the Senate to defer the ratification of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade agreement pending the conduct of consultations with farmers.
Inside the French push for stronger trade with Kenya
France-Kenya ties have intensified during the tenures of presidents Kenyatta and Macron. Franck Riester, France Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade and Economic Attractiveness, is leading a delegation to Kenya for a two-day visit.
India keen to sign pact with Taiwan to secure microprocessor supply
India is looking to quickly sign a preferential trade agreement with Taiwan with a special focus on securing a steady supply of microprocessors, electronic components and precision tools, senior officials said.
AfCFTA/China sign MoU on establishing Expert Group on Economic Cooperation
The AfCFTA Secretariat and the Ministry of Commerce of China agreed to establish an Expert Group to collaborate in areas such as experience-sharing on intellectual property rights, digital trade, competition policy, and others.
Prime Minister calls for early review of India-ASEAN FTA
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has called for an early review of the ASEAN India Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in goods that the country has been insisting on to help Indian businesses gain better market access in the region.
FTAs need to be reworked
India is currently faced with the challenge of rebalancing its trade strategies because of some significant changes occurring in the global economic environment. Further, India is looking to fast-track its FTA negotiations with countries such as the US, the UK, Australia, the EU, Canada and the UAE.
The Asia-Pacific’s Free Trade Disagreements
While competition among FTA styles can drive innovation, it does present a key problem for non-super-sized economies: knowing which one to adhere to. For all the new ideas they offer, the various deals available within the Asia-Pacific are often inconsistent and cannot exist comfortably side by side.
Thailand ratifies RCEP pact
Thailand has already submitted the ratification for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) trade pact and reaffirmed that the world’s biggest free trade deal will come into force on Jan 1 next year as scheduled.
Big Coal tapping obscure treaty could chill green revolution
Coal plant owners are using this little-known mechanism to try and recoup billions from governments who are forcing them to shut down polluting plants