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US 2007 National Trade Estimate report on foreign trade barriers
The 2007 National Trade Estimate Report on Foreign Trade Barriers (NTE) is the twenty-first in an annual series that surveys significant foreign barriers to US exports.
Self burning against Kor-US FTA
A taxi driver Heo Seuk, 54 years old man, burnned himself and left his last speech, "Give up the KorUS FTA". He was in the fire for 2 minutes and the ambulance arrived 5 minutes later. Fortunately he is alive now. But his doctor Lee Jeongsub explained that the probability that he would survive is 20 30 percent.
Korea-US FTA faces tough scrutiny, debate in US by industries, Congress
New political and economic opportunities opened for South Korea and the United States with the free trade agreement (FTA) announced Monday, but the way ahead for the deal in Washington still has uncertainties, and even risks.
FTA with Japan ’could hurt education sector’
The Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement (JTEPA) could put Thailand at a disadvantage if it focuses more on competition than on co-operation in educational services, participants at a brainstorming session claimed yesterday.
US-Korea FTA (2007): Korean summary of agreement
The following is a summary of the free trade agreement (FTA) reached between South Korea and the United States Monday.
Labor groups boycott S Korea-US FTA deal
Korean labor groups voiced their strong opposition to the just-reached deal between South Korea and the United States to effectively dismantle their tariff barriers. The groups vowed to launch a campaign to nullify the free trade agreement deal (FTA) and even threatened to attempt to oust President Roh Moo-hyun.
KCTU union member attempting self-immolation as an act of resistance KORUS FTA!
Around 3:55 pm, April 1st 2007, Bro. Heo Se-Wook (54), a union member of KCTU, was attempting to suicide by self-immolation as an act of resistance against the Korea-US FTA negotiation. His health condition is very serious and receiving an emergency medical treatment at the Hangang Scared Heart Hospital. We need your solidarity and support.
S Korea, US reach free trade agreement
Ending nearly 10 months of tough negotiations, South Korea and the United States reached a free trade agreement Monday, officials from both sides said.
Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods - A spearheading new initiative
Members of J-BIG have joined the wider campaign for abolishing the special trade and economic benefits granted to Israel as part of its trade agreement with the European Union. Indeed a significant number of British MPs appear to support this campaign.
S Korean protester sets himself ablaze outside FTA talks
A South Korean protester set himself on fire on Sunday outside a Seoul hotel where talks on a free trade pact with the United States are in their final hours, witnesses and hospital officials said.
EU wants Dar to decide under which regional bloc it will negotiate EPAs
Tanzania has failed to register any significant progress in negotiating Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) with the European Union for the past 13 months.
Legal expert warns Thai-Japan trade pact could be invalid
The signing of the Japan-Thailand free trade agreement in Tokyo tomorrow could eventually be proven invalid as the signing process is unconstitutional, a legal expert said yesterday. Thammasat University law lecturer Banjerd Singkhaneti said the interim constitution did not authorise the coup-installed government to sign the bilateral trade pact, also known as the Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement (JTEPA).
FTA with Japan seen as a threat to SMEs
The decision of the interim government to sign the Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement (Jtepa) spells doom for most small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which have low competitiveness compared to Japanese high-technology industries, some key Thai industries say.
What’s the rush to ink FTA with Japan?
Critics of tomorrow’s signing say the interim Thai government has broken promises and failed to reveal details of the pact, but the biggest question they have is why Surayud is in such a hurry
Signing of FTA is like policy corruption, NGOs tell govt
A group of Thai non-governmental organisations led by FTA Watch yesterday launched a campaign against the Surayud government over its plan to sign a free-trade pact with Japan tomorrow. The Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement will cause tremendous damage to a massive number of farmers and allow a foreign country to take over the country’s biological resources, while only a few exporters would benefit, they said.
South Korea-US FTA talks go past extended deadline to salvage deal
Top-level officials from South Korea and the United States struggled Monday to come up with major compromises in their final stage of negotiations on a proposed free trade agreement (FTA), with the deadline for the talks extended for the second time in two days.
S Korean man attempts self-immolation against FTA with US
A South Korean man set himself afire on Sunday to dramatize his opposition to a proposed free trade agreement between his country and the United States, as negotiations were coming to a close, with an extended deadline only hours away. The 56-year-old taxi driver, identified only by his surname Heo, was in serious condition at a hospital after the protest 20 meters from the front gate of a heavily guarded Seoul hotel where the final talks were under way.
Activists celebrate as Malaysia-US FTA deadline expires
Malaysian opponents of a free-trade deal with the United States celebrated Saturday after the countries missed an end-of-the-month deadline to fast-track an agreement.
ASEAN urges India to widen market
In ongoing trade negotiations, members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) urged India to open its import market to additional key commodities, a senior Thai Commerce Ministry official reports.
South Africa, India and Brazil - the IBSA FTA
Following a comprehensive examination of the most recent merchandise trade flows between the relevant countries this paper looks at the possible economic results from removing all merchandise tariff barriers between the three partners of India, Brazil and South Africa/SACU.