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EU-ASEAN meeting to chart out road map for deepening ties
This week’s meeting between foreign ministers of the European Union (EU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is expected to focus on drafting a road map for deepening political and economic relations, including negotiations on a major comprehensive free trade agreement.
India, Trinidad & Tobago sign bilateral trade agreement
India and Trinidad & Tobago on Monday signed the Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (BIPPA) aimed at enhancing investment and technology flows between the two countries.
Roh threatens to scrap FTA deal with US
South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun said Tuesday that his government may choose to scrap free trade negotiations with the United States if South Korea’s economic interests are not properly reflected in the final deal.
Canada calls for India free-trade agreement if WTO talks fail
Canada wants India to consider a free-trade agreement between the two countries if global trade talks continue to falter, a Canadian lawmaker said.
S Korean activists go on hunger strike to protest US FTA talks
A group of 20 local activists said Monday they have started a hunger strike to oppose the South Korea-US free trade talks underway here, adding about 1,000 more people will join them later this month.
US, UAE say still hope to reach free trade deal
The United States and the United Arab Emirates still hope to reach a free trade agreement and plan to resume talks whenever the White House wins new "fast-track" trade negotiating authority, officials from both countries said on Monday.
Colombian study on impact of US FTA on medicine
This is an English translation of a full study done in Colombia of the impacts of its US free trade agreement (FTA) on medicine consumption and the Colombian generic industry. The study study used the World Health Organization’s methodology.
Ten reporters assaulted by police in anti-FTA rally
A demonstration against the Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA) planned by the Korean Alliance against the Korea-US FTA (KoA) in downtown Seoul was canceled due to the preventive interference of the police as the eighth round of the talks that opened on March 8 nears its scheduled end on March 12.
S Korea, US head for high-level FTA talks to overcome remaining obstacles
South Korea and the United States were to wrap up their final official round of free trade agreement talks in Seoul on Monday, although they still have a few sensitive issues hanging in the balance.
Riot police break up protest in Seoul
Riot police used a water cannon Saturday to break up a noisy but peaceful street protest in downtown Seoul against a proposed free trade agreement between South Korea and the United States.
Japan trade frays tempers
Opponents of the draft Japan-Thailand Economic Partnership Agreement (JTEPA) have asserted that the Surayud Chulanont government needs to take two controversial issues in the pact seriously.
Rivalry delays selection of host for Asia FTA research body
The selection of a country to host a body to conduct research on trade liberalization around the Asia-Pacific region has been put on hold due to the rivalry among countries wishing to be home to its headquarters.
Swiss government approves mandate for FTA talks with Japan
The Swiss government on Friday approved a mandate for negotiations on a comprehensive economic partnership and free trade agreement (FTA) between Switzerland with Japan.
Indo-Japan economic pact to see the light of day within year
India and Japan will ink the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) in the next one year, minister of state for industry Ashwani Kumar said on Friday.
Beef heading overseas
South Korea announced Thursday that it will lower its quarantine standards for US beef imports and resume imports of American beef that do not contain bone fragments.
US says FTA with UAE off for now
US trade officials said yesterday they would not finish free trade talks with the UAE by a deadline at the end of this month. Investment is one issue that negotiators have failed to find agreement on.
S Korean Catholics ask God to stop FTA
South Korean Catholics on Friday asked God to stop a proposed free trade agreement between their country and the United States, as Washington’s chief negotiator said the two sides were intensifying efforts to strike a deal their legislatures can approve.
Uruguay threatens to downgrade Mercosur role
Uruguay has warned that it will consider downgrading its status in Mercosur if the regional trade bloc prevents it from making a bilateral trade deal with the US.
Japan, Australia free trade talks to begin in April
Japan and Australia will begin two days of talks on a possible free trade agreement April 23 in Canberra, Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Aso said.
Mercosur keen to sign free trade agreement with Pakistan
Mercosur, a regional group of four Latin American countries (Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil), has expressed its willingness to sign a free trade agreement (FTA) with Pakistan.