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Korea, EU set to start FTA talks
The chief of South Korea’s trade promotion agency Friday called for Korea to pursue a free trade agreement (FTA) with the European Union (EU) as soon as possible.
US draws distinct lines on what Congress will reject in Korea FTA
A senior US senator drew clear lines Wednesday on what the Congress will not accept in a free trade agreement (FTA) with South Korea, including imports from an industrial complex inside North Korea.
America’s free trade pacts driving illegal timber trade
US free trade agreements are accelerating the destruction of tropical forests in Asia and Latin America, according to a report released today by the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA).
Japanese official: FTA talks with China are possible in 2008
Mr. Osamu Watanabe, Chairman of the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) recently told China Youth Daily in Beijing that talks on the free trade zone between Japan and China were not likely to be launched until 2008 when China fully honors its WTO commitment.
Taiwan to sign free trade pact with Nicaragua
Taiwan will sign a free trade agreement with Nicaragua June 16 to further boost bilateral trade and economic cooperation, government officials said Wednesday.
Council warns against free trade with South Korea
Kitchener joined a growing list of Canadian municipalities worried about the impact a proposed free-trade agreement with South Korea will have on the crucial automotive sector of southwestern Ontario’s economy.
Musharraf says Sino-Pak agreement on free trade will be finalised this year
Pakistan can be an energy corridor for China and it wants the Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) gas pipeline extended up to China, President General Pervez Musharraf told a group of Chinese traders during a meeting on Wednesday.
Baseline positions of Bolivian Government for association agreement with the EU
If the CAN countries work out their differences, including establishment of a common tariff, EU-CAN talks could get under way in January 2007, and the association agreement, which includes political, economic, and trade chapters, would come online in May 2008.
Japan Inc smitten by Vietnam
Japanese firms’ investment spree in Vietnam comes amid an increasing number of free-trade agreements (FTAs) being concluded or negotiated in East Asia.
Humayun proposes PTA talks with Kabul
Pakistan’s Commerce Minister Humayun Akhtar Khan on Wednesday suggested initiation of talks on preferential trade agreement (PTA) with Afghanistan, which would lead to free trade agreement (FTA) between the two countries.
Bilderbergers slither away
Sources say Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s challenge to the Free Trade Area of the Americas was on the top of the agenda of the Bilderberg Group meeting in Canada last week.
EU and Egypt fail to unblock association deal
Egypt and the European Union failed to wrap up a "neighbourhood action plan" because of differences over human rights in Egypt and nuclear weapons in the Middle East, an EU official said yesterday.
India seeks Japanese investment
If you can’t beat them, join them. That seems to be India’s mantra in its attempt to get more Japanese investments in the manufacturing sector, with some companies using New Delhi’s bilateral trade agreements to use another country as an export base for the Indian consumer.
Bush, Uribe discuss details of trade pact
President Bush reassured Colombian President Alvaro Uribe on Wednesday that the United States would work quickly to sort out remaining details of a free trade pact signed in February.
Will recent nationalisations in Bolivia give rise to claims under political risk insurance policies?
It may be advantageous for foreign investors to pursue a claim under a Political Risk insurance policy and allow the insurers to recover subsequently under any applicable investment treaty by way of subrogation.
ASEAN chief supports establishment of FTA in East Asia
Visiting General Secretary of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Ong Keng Yong has said that he supports a proposal by Japanese Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Toshihiro Nikai to establish a free trade area in East Asia and a regional policy coordinating organisation following the model of the Organisation of Economic and Cooperation Development.
Song of the sirens: Why the US-Andean FTAs undermine sustainable development and regional integration
US free trade agreements with Peru and Colombia, as well as the possible agreement with Ecuador, were negotiated under the promise of great opportunities in the world’s richest market, but the truth is that these agreements will have a devastating impact on the livelihoods of small farmers, public health, and the regulation of investment to protect the public interest.
Remarks by Ford President of the Americas to US Chamber of Commerce
’Right now, the President and Congress are discussing a free trade agreement with Korea. This potential trade agreement is an opportunity to demand some reciprocity, including full and unimpeded access for US made vehicles to the Korean market. Anything less will not be worthy of our support.’
India and free trade in Asia
The joke in South Block nowadays is that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is ever so keen to visit Pakistan because he finds it easier to deal with General Pervez Musharraf than to deal with his Cabinet colleagues. If Mr Arjun Singh ambushed him and sent the entire country into a caste driven frenzy, one of his other Ministerial colleagues leaked the contents of a letter to the Prime Minister from Congress president Sonia Gandhi expressing concern over the free trade agreement that India had signed with its ASEAN partners.
Andean Community: Grasping at unity straws
The foreign ministers of the Andean Community of Nations (CAN) forged ahead in attempts to quiet fears of an imminent collapse of the bloc following Venezuela’s withdrawal, despite member-country political differences that were all too evident at the regional summit.