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Health sets out options for FTA talks
After letting health advocates air their opposition to the Thai-US free trade agreement (FTA) for more than a year, the Public Health Ministry yesterday unveiled its position on how Thailand should deal with drug patents.
FTA talks with Thailand, Korea still divided
Prospects for Japan signing free-trade agreements (FTAs) with Thailand and South Korea are being stymied because the countries remain seriously divided on issues concerning key industrial and farm sectors, diplomatic sources have said.
’Make the most of trade deals’
Bahrain businesses must act now or lose out on massive new opportunities worldwide, says an expert. AMIRA AL HUSSAINI reports
EFTA-Thailand negotiations: NGOs appeal to UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health
17 NGOs from Switzerland, Norway and Liechtenstein submitted today a request to the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to health. They urge him to warn the four member states of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA: Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) not to restrict access to affordable generic medicines in Thailand.
Free-trade deal with Indonesia under review
Egypt is to consider an Indonesian request to establish a joint free-trade agreement, sources at the Ministry of International Cooperation said yesterday.
Trade alliance seeks transparency on Japan-RP FTA negotiations
The multi-sectoral Fair Trade Alliance (FTA) has urged the government for transparency in the crafting of the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) as it expressed fears that the deal does not provide "safeguards" to the country’s industrial goods and includes regulation and competition issues.
China, ROK willing to advance FTA process
China and the Republic of Korea (ROK) Friday expressed their positive attitude towards speeding up research about establishing a free trade area (FTA) amid the fast-growth economic ties between the two countries.
MoI sure Thai-Japan FTA will be concluded in July
The Ministry of Industry said on Thursday it is confident that the conclusion of the Thailand-Japan free trade area (FTA) agreement will be reached on schedule in July after representatives of the two countries met this week to discuss the details of the plan, especially on issue of automobile and electronic parts.
Doctors told to be wary of big drug firms
Doctors have been warned not to fall into the fierce marketing trap of multinational drug companies which have a ’’hidden agenda’’ to sell expensive products.
Professions brace for FTA impact
Businesses such as cars, steel, textiles and telecoms may grab the headlines in the continuing debate over free trade area (FTA) agreements, but members of many professions in Thailand are also preparing for changes once markets for their services open.
Singapore and Qatar close to ink FTA
Singapore and Qatar are close to signing a free trade agreement after ending their final round of negotiations yesterday, the city-state’s trade ministry said.
New rules of origin for India-Asean FTA in July
India will formulate a new set of rules of origin (ROO) for its free trade agreement (FTA) with the Association of South East Asian Nations (Asean) by mid-July.
Philippine Gov’t urged to reopen FTA talks with US
The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) has urged the government to initiate a new bilateral trade talks with the United States.
Australia hints at FTA with India
The Australian Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, on Wednesday hinted at the possibility of India and Australia entering into a Free Trade Agreement (FTA).
Thai Govt urged to put off US talks
Farm advocates, intellectual property rights experts and farmers groups yesterday called on the government to postpone the upcoming round of free trade negotiations with the United States that would focus on intellectual property rights (IP) to avoid the impact on farmers.
Free trade free-for-all
US farmers are already sitting on 700,000 tons of surplus sugar nationally, stockpiled as the result of deals like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and pacts with the World Trade Organization. Farmers must store the surplus at their own expense and fear those tons could multiply under a CAFTA deal.
Investment regime takes shape
Investment rules are not on the agenda of the current Doha Round of global trade talks. Instead, bilateral, regional and other level agreements are building a de facto international regime for investment.
Australian Govt to get tough on China trade issues
Trade Minister Mark Vaile signalled a major assault on tariffs, quarantine systems and intellectual property laws as part of free trade negotiations with China.
US still hopes to conclude Thai-US FTA
The US still hopes to conclude a long-awaited U.S.-Thailand free trade agreement despite a number of unsettled issues, including the liberalization of the Thai financial sector, US Ambassador to Thailand Ralph Boyce said Friday.
Bilateral agreement on trade likely today: Iran to recruit docs, engineers
Iran is likely to offer Bangladeshi doctors, engineers and professionals jobs in their country. Iran has already prepared a list of 150 exportable products of Bangladesh, which it will import through negotiations.