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Norway inks interim trade agreement with UK, Iceland; deal means no new tariffs on seafood products
The parties inked an interim trade continuity agreement and are also negotiating a free trade agreement, to be completed as soon as possible.
Indiana Resources to begin arbitration again Tanzanian govt in Q1, 2021
Indiana Resources expects to begin arbitration with Tanzania over the expropriation of the Ntaka Hill nickel project and other alleged breaches of the UK-Tanzania BIT early 2021.
Kenya and UK sign trade deal
The trade deal will enable Kenyan exporters of flowers and other fresh vegetables will continue accessing the UK market under a duty free, quota-free arrangement, just the way they did when the UK was in the European Union.
The EU-Mercosur agreement: increasing pesticide use and GMOs, and undermining healthy food production and standards
The EU-Mercosur agreement is inconsistent with the EU’s recently announced Farm-to-Fork Strategy, which aims to dramatically reduce pesticide use and completely ban any residue on food of pesticides not registered for use in the EU.
Open letter from climate leaders and scientists to signatories of the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT)
Withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty because it impedes the transition to clean energy.
Moon: S. Korea to consider joining CPTPP to expand its free trade network
President Moon Jae-in said that South Korea is considering becoming a member of a major Asia-Pacific free trade agreement, known as the CPTPP.
Will a US-Ecuador trade deal lead to a broader pact?
How likely are the two countries to engage in talks for a broader trade agreement in the near future, and how would that differ from the phase-one treaty?
Brazil pledge on Amazon needed to save EU-Mercosur trade deal -EU diplomat
Until Brazil makes a political commitment to curb deforestation in the Amazon rainforest, the trade deal between the European Union and Mercosur will not advance toward ratification in Europe, the EU’s envoy in Brasilia said.
Asia’s historic trade pact to open oil-supply route to China
South Korea and Japan look set to be the biggest winners in the Asian oil and chemicals marketplace as the world’s largest regional free-trade agreement paves the way for a gradual reduction in tariffs.
Taiwan says trade deal would show U.S. support in face of China pressure
A bilateral trade deal between Taiwan and the United States would reinforce U.S. support for the democratic island in the face of “unrelenting intimidation” from China, Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen said.
EAC beats AfCFTA tariff offer deadline
EAC’s tariff offer now brings the number of countries to 40 that are ready to join the AfCFTA on January 1, when trading under the agreement starts.
How the relationship between the UK and Africa may change after Brexit
As the end of the UK-EU transition period looms, the future trading relationship between the UK and Africa remains uncertain.
UK, Egypt sign post-Brexit trade agreement
The agreement will allow British businesses and consumers to benefit from continued preferential access to the Egyptian market after the end of the Brexit transition period.
Tonga not ready for new trade rules as PACER Plus comes into force on 13 December
When the PACER Plus comes into force on 13 December 2020, Tonga will face a major financial difficulty of countering big trade deficits with two of its main trading partners, Australia and New Zealand.
Commission reports on negotiating round with five Eastern and Southern African countries
The third round of negotiations was held virtually from 24 to 27 November 2020. The next round is foreseen for April 2021.
Russia suffers new blow in $50 billion Yukos case
The Netherlands’ top court ruled that shareholders in dismantled oil giant Yukos can continue to pursue Russia for $50 billion in compensation pending a final judgement in a long legal saga.
RCEP fails to promote a people-centred ASEAN
If indeed the RCEP is an ASEAN-led initiative, it fell short of supporting the ASEAN Community Vision 2025. The RCEP offers little in terms of shedding ASEAN’s elitist image and committing to the development of a highly inclusive, people-oriented and people-centred community.
“It did not go well” - Barrick continues pressure on Papua New Guinea government while ignoring human rights
Barrick is offering the government of Papua New Guinea to pause legal proceedings upon signing of a framework agreement to reverse the decision not to grant it a licence renewal for its former Porgera mine.
Post-Cotonou: Negotiators reach a political deal on a new EU/Africa-Caribbean-Pacific partnership agreement
The chief negotiators from the EU and the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS) reached a political deal on the text for a new partnership agreement that will succeed the Cotonou Agreement.
North Macedonia and UK sign partnership, trade and cooperation agreement
The UK has signed a partnership, trade and cooperation agreement with North Macedonia.