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Protesters urge President Obama to ‘flush’ Pacific trade deal
A crowd of about 60 activists chanted their disapproval of the proposed agreement outside the office of the US Trade Representative while a juggler wearing a dark business suit and a huge Obama mask repeatedly dropped his bowling pins marked “Jobs,” “Truth” and “Peace”
Trans Pacific free trade deal to drive up medicine costs: global health group
The Global Asthma Network warns that the proposed Pacific-wide free trade agreement could lead to higher costs for essential medicines around the world.
The proposed EU-US free trade agreement and the NHS
This treaty, if passed, would represent an enormous challenge to public-owned health services across Europe.
Activists warn of EU FTA dangers
While Thai authorities trumpet the progress of the second round of negotiations for a free-trade agreement with the European Union, activists are harsh in their opposition, particularly on the opening up of the pharmaceutical and agricultural sectors.
National farmers and social strike gets seeds control law 970 suspended
In Colombia after 21 days of a nationwide strike by thousands of farmers, blocking more than 40 roads nationwide, protesting farmers forced the Colombian government to negotiate the rejection of a farm bill and the release of detained protesters. Report from Real News Network.
Peruvian legislators file motion seeking public debate on the Trans Pacific Partnership
On August 28, a group of members of the Peruvian legislature – the Parlamentario Acción Popular-Frente Amplio – proposed [a motion that asks for greater transparency in the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations.
EU’s Everything But Arms initiative is impoverishing Cambodian farmers
An EU trade initiative intended to reduce poverty in the world’s poorest countries has driven thousands of Cambodian farming families into destitution and led to serious human rights violations, Inclusive Development International (IDI) and Equitable Cambodia and said in a report released Monday.
AFL-CIO to fight "trade" deals like TPP
This week’s AFL-CIO convention passed a resolution vowing to fight any trade agreement that promotes the rise in corporate power at the expense of working people.
On the national strike and wave of popular disobedience in Colombia
The Colombian anarchist Grupo Libertario Vía Libre wrote and published the following article in late August, in Spanish. Now translated to English.
Mass protest to greet EU free trade envoys
About 5,000 health, consumer, and farming activists are planning a mass demonstration in Chiang Mai next week to protest against free trade talks between Thailand and the European Union.
Farmers’ strike in Colombia highlights impact of free trade deal on local communities
Radio interview with Julia Duranti, with Witness for Peace. The group works in some of the hardest-hit regions for farmers in Colombia.
Colombian workers and farmers take on global neoliberalism
The wave of strikes and demonstrations is not only the most significant social movement in decades in Colombia. It is currently the most broadly based challenge to the global neo-liberal project.
Colombia farmers’ uprising puts the spotlight on seeds
On 19 August, Colombian farmers’ organisations initiated a massive nationwide strike against the government’s policies. Seeds emerged as one highly visible issue.
TPPA goes into overdrive and underground
Moves to get the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement to the point of sign-off by the end of the year went into overdrive at the round just ended in Brunei, according to Professor Jane Kelsey. Remaining negotiations will be tackled through informal intersessional meetings.
No deal on Colombia farmers’ strike after night of talks
Representatives of Colombian farmers’ groups and government ministers say they have not yet been able to reach a deal to end a 10-day strike.
First Nations loses bid to block Canada-China FIPA treaty
Canada’s Federal Court has dismissed an application by an aboriginal band in British Columbia to stay the Canada-China investment treaty until First Nations have been consulted.
Colombian government to negotiate with striking farmers
Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos says his government will enter into negotiations with agricultural workers as their strike enters its ninth day.
Colombia nationwide strike against ’free trade,’ privatization, poverty
At least 200,000 people blocked roads and launched protests against a US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement and devastating policies of poverty and privatization pushed by US-backed right-wing President Juan Manuel Santos.
Hundreds of Minnesota activists march against free trade deal
Hundreds of labor, fair trade, environmental and community activists marched through downtown Minneapolis Tuesday to protest the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a massive trade deal that could jeopardize American jobs, wages, consumer safety, health care and environmental standards.