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First a gold rush, then the lawyers
Pacific Rim is suing the Salvadoran government in an international investment court, one of scores of cases in recent years in which frustrated oil, gas and mining investors, using provisions of trade agreements, have sought to recoup losses from mostly developing countries.
US steps up pressure on Guatemala to enforce labor laws
The Obama administration announced yesterday that because Guatemala has not taken sufficient steps to effectively enforce its labor laws, as required under the Dominican Republic-Central American Free Trade Agreement (DR-CAFTA), it is requesting a meeting of the Free Trade Commission.
Kirk asks trade panel to investigate Guatemala labor rights
US Trade Representative Ron Kirk asked an international commission to investigate Guatemala’s alleged failure to enforce worker protections, the first labor case brought by the US against a trade-accord partner.
Unions seek labour justice under free trade deal
"My brother was murdered, and we’re still the victims of threats and harassment, which is why we filed the petition" under the free trade agreement signed with the United States by Central America and the Dominican Republic, (DR-CAFTA), said Guatemalan trade unionist Noé Ramírez.
Central America: Big fish eat the small fish
Thousands of small-scale fishers in Central America are fighting for survival in the face of free trade deals, transnational corporations, mega tourism projects and pollution that is harming marine life.
Obama’s final stopover: Ignoring CAFTA protests
Local activists protesting Obama’s visit to El Salvador called for a renegotiation of CAFTA, an end to the US embargo against Cuba, a withdrawal of the US military from El Salvador, and a cessation of US support for the tainted Porfirio Lobos regime in neighboring Honduras.
CAFTA-DR partners agree to fix technical flaws in agreement
The Dominican Republic-Central America-United States (CAFTA-DR) Free Trade Commission has approved several changes to CAFTA-DR rules of origin that are expected to benefit the Western Hemisphere textile/apparel supply chain.
Cables reveal secrets on CAFTA
Officials in Oscar Arias’ administration knew in advance how the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court (Sala IV) would rule on the legality of a sensitive bill that was key to Costa Rica’s implementation of the Central American Free-Trade Agreement with the United States (CAFTA), cables released this week by WikiLeaks reveal.
Pacheco: Costa Rica Did Not Have To Take Orders From Any Country
Speaking on the program Nuestra Voz by Amelia Rueda, former president Abel Pacheco, in his characteristic self-assurance admitted that he received pressure from the U.S. for the approval of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) as revealed by Wikileaks and published on Thursday by La Nación.
EE. UU. amenaza por situación laboral
EE. UU. expresó ayer insatisfacción por la forma como Guatemala resuelve sus preocupaciones respecto del cumplimiento de los derechos laborales, y adelantó que ante la falta de una respuesta adecuada, tendrá que tomar medidas.
EE. UU. adiestró y financió a Policía para marchas anti-TLC
La Embajada de Estados Unidos en San José participó en la definición de la estrategia policial, entrenó y supervisó el adiestramiento de oficiales de la Fuerza Pública y rentó buses para trasladarlos en las marchas de protesta contra el TLC, según se desprende de varios cables diplomáticos obtenidos por WikiLeaks.
Arias government knew how the Constitutional Court would vote on the FTA
The government of Oscar Arias knew, in advance, when and how the Constitutional Court would vote on the bill to implement CAFTA, after being challenged in a first review by the judges, according to Wikileaks
Wikileaks reveals US pressure to FTA with Costa Rica
The US Embassy in San Jose put pressure to encourage the adoption of a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between the US and Costa Rica, according to Wikileaks cables released today by the newspaper La Nación.
Five years post-CAFTA
Five years after the entry into force of CAFTA-DR, several international bodies declared this trade treaty made little or no contribution to El Salvadoran economy.
CAFTA-DR partners agree to fix technical flaws in agreement
The Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Commission held its first meeting last week in El Salvador and approved several changes to CAFTA-DR rules of origin
Costa Rica: Dominican Republic will respect pact “in a nice way or not”
Central American countries are filing a complaint against Dominican Republic before the World Trade Organization for violating CAFTA
11 companies apply to provide cell phone service in Costa Rica
The country’s cell phone market was opened to private competition with the entry into force of the Central American Free-Trade Agreement with the US (CAFTA) on Jan.1, 2009.
World Bank approves mining company suit against El Salvador
In a decision with implications for the national sovereignty of member states under US trade pacts, a World Bank tribunal has approved a Canadian mining company’s controversial lawsuit against the government of El Salvador.
US plans trade complaint against Guatemala
The Obama administration announced Friday that it would file a complaint against Guatemala claiming labor law violations under the Central America Free Trade Agreement, the first time Washington has pursued such a case against a free-trade partner.
Dominican Republic gets a new rival in sugar exports to the US
US president Barack Obama modified the provisions in the Central America-Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (Cafta) to allow imports of sugar from Costa Rica starting today.