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From the movements

They should have listened to us about free trade

Almost 40 years ago, the Left was warning about the consequences of tying Canada economically to the US. The election of Donald Trump is showing just how accurate those warnings were.

IEU CEPA: A threat to the environment, indigenous peoples, and biodiversity

Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ) and WALHI (Friends of the Earth Indonesia) released a joint statement raises critical concerns about the proposed Indonesia-EU CEPA. It highlights the potential negative impacts of the agreement, particularly when coupled with Indonesia’s Omnibus Law, on the environment, Indigenous communities, and biodiversity.

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Contours of trade pact with US in 2 weeks

The trade agreement that India and the US have agreed to negotiate during prime minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to Washington will not be akin to a free trade agreement, but explore ways to boost trade on a bilateral give-and-take basis.

South Africa said to prefer bilateral US trade deal over AGOA

South Africa is preparing to pitch a bilateral trade agreement to the US if President Donald Trump’s administration revokes the nation’s preferential access to the world’s biggest economy as relations between them sour.