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Intellectual property in the Trans-Pacific Partnership: increasing the barriers for the access to affordable medicines
Most free trade agreements signed by the United States, the European Union and the members of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) contain chapters on intellectual property rights that expand the rights recognized to pharmaceutical companies.
NBR Radio Special: Jane Kelsey on TPP legal action
Auckland law professor Jane Kelsey is challenging an “unlawful” government decision to deny an official trade document request.
Canada’s CBC could be threatened by TPP, journalists warn
Leaked details of the TPP suggest Canada’s public broadcaster could be forced into privatization, according to analysts.
National politics put trade talks under pressure
While domestic political schedules are making it imperative for the U.S., Japan and Canada to wrap up a historic trans-Pacific trade pact, New Zealand and Mexico appear intent on prolonging the talks to extract the best concessions possible.
Anti-TPP campaigners argue text ban is unlawful
A court has been told that the government’s refusal to release information about the Trans-Pacific Partnership is unlawful and constitutionally dangerous.
Gordon Campbell on TPP dairy , and investor-state disputes
Gordon Campbell on New Zealand’s TPP done deal on dairy, and on investor-state disputes
Vietnam to lose $77 million of tax revenue each year due to free trade pacts
The government has estimated that it will lose around US$77 million of tax revenue annually between 2016 and 2025, when new free trade agreements take effect and eliminate a majority of import duties.
Trans-Pacific Partnership: Renegotiating NAFTA by the back door
For years, trade and justice activists have proposed renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to address some of the deal’s most damaging features: for example, by removing the anti-democratic investor-state dispute settlement provisions of Chapter 11, linking trade benefits to genuine protections for human and labour rights (all the more important given the deteriorating democratic situation in Mexico), and establishing a continent-wide strategy for auto investment and production.
TPPA could empower rejected foreign investors in legal challenges
Under a Trans Pacific Partnership deal, foreign investors in New Zealand could be able to take international legal action against a government decision such as that which rejected a Chinese company’s bid for Lochinver Station, says an Auckland Law School senior lecturer.
U.S. dairy exporter pushes for TPP deal acceptable to Congress
Japan and other nations need to open their dairy markets further to hammer out a Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal that is acceptable to Congress, Tom Suber, president of the U.S. Dairy Export Council, suggested.
Investment accords - conceptual & procedural contentions
Particular issues and procedures in investment treaties have proved especially contentious at both conceptual and practical levels.
International trade, investment accords, increasing controversies
Two recent proposals on settling investment disputes have begun to attract attention and consideration in national and international circles.
TPP could have ’catastrophic effects’ on Canada’s economy: Unifor president
The president of Canada’s largest private sector union says the Trans-Pacific Partnership could have "catastrophic effects" on the nation’s economy.
TPP could have ’catastrophic effects’ on Canada’s economy: Unifor president
The president of Canada’s largest private sector union says the Trans-Pacific Partnership could have "catastrophic effects" on the nation’s economy.
DHB backs off on TPP letter
The Whanganui District Health Board has acknowledged a letter sent to Dr Chris Cresswell expressing concerns over his views on the Trans-Pacific Partnership was "inappropriate", the Association of Salaried Medical Specialists says.
TPP protest arrest ’could cost doctor his job’
A doctor who jumped on a car carrying the deputy prime minister during a TPP protest and had to be forcibly removed could lose his job.
Trans-Pacific Partnership: Harper says auto industry won’t like it all
Conservative Leader Stephen Harper warned the Canadian auto industry it may not be happy with elements of a proposed Pacific trade pact during Thursday’s Globe and Mail leaders’ debate.
Senior hospital doctor silenced on TPPA
Whanganui DHB tries to stop senior hospital doctor talking about the TPPA
What does the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal mean for your family?
Under the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), multinational corporations will be able to sue the Australian Government in secret corporate courts over laws that protect our health, environment and workers’ rights.
Think free-trade deals can raise labor standards? This case suggests otherwise
The Obama administration promotes the TPP as “the most progressive trade bill in history,” with the highest labor standards yet but similar promises have been trotted out to justify every free-trade agreement from NAFTA on.