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EAEU urged to conclude more FTAs with third countries

BelTA | 4 June 2024

EAEU urged to conclude more FTAs with third countries

NESVIZH, 4 June (BelTA) – The Eurasian Economic Union needs to intensify work and conclude more free trade agreements with third countries, Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko said as he spoke at the meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, BelTA has learned.

"During our meetings, we draw attention to the utmost importance of the ongoing work to promote the union internationally and create additional conditions for the access of EAEU goods to foreign markets through the FTAs with third countries. Despite certain successes, the work on some negotiation tracks has slowed down. I believe that the time has come to take a more critical look at the situation. If a partner is not ready today or has changed his mind, maybe we should reconsider the negotiating process. I am convinced that there are enough states that are ready to cooperate with us on a mutual benefit basis," Roman Golovchenko said.

The Belarusian prime minister suggested accelerating the work that has gained good momentum - these are Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates and Mongolia.

"We need a clear idea of the list of countries and regional trade associations with which it makes sense to initiate FTAs at the EAEU level. I ask the EEC to organize the appropriate work," the prime minister added.

The Belarusian head of government also noted that the EAEU countries have reached the homestretch in implementing the strategic guidelines for the development of Eurasian economic integration until 2025.

"The positive results are evident in many things. At the same time, a number of measures are still under development and there are concerns that they will not be implemented by the end of 2025 (due to the extension of deadlines, lack of consensus, and so on). The strategic guidelines are a document approved by the heads of state, and our task is to ensure its full implementation. I propose to discuss its status at one of the next meetings of the intergovernmental council," he said.

 Fuente: BelTA