Indonesia maintains its position not to accede to UPOV 1991
Apbrebes | 6 March 2024
Indonesia maintains its position not to accede to UPOV 1991
Last year, Prof. Michael Fakhri, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food sent a communication to the government of Indonesia and the European Union regarding the request by the EU in Free Trade negotiations, that Indonesia should comply with UPOV 91. Michael Fakhri shared his concern that Indonesia’s compliance with UPOV 1991 will create considerable obstacles toward the full realisation of the right to food by Indonesia. In its response, which was published on the website of the UN Human Rights Office in February, Indonesia made clear that it considers the preservation of an appropriate balance between the rights and obligations of farmers and breeders with utmost care and attention. The country reiterated “its position not to accede to the UPOV 1991 to ensure policy space to protect smallholder farmers’ seed systems and plant genetic resources”. The European Union has yet to respond to the Special Rapporteur’s communication.