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KAIROS and Colombian Partners Outraged at Canada-Colombia Free Trade Deal
Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives today expressed outrage that the federal government has introduced legislation for a free trade deal with Colombia, ignoring the pleas of Canadian and Colombian activists for a human rights assessment in advance of any deal.
"Israel must see that there are consequences to its actions"
We can and must focus on the trading privileges from which Israel benefits within the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreement, and point out again and again that Israel violates the human rights clause of that Agreement. If nothing else, this clarifies that EU support for Israel violates its own regulations.
Charity warning on free trade plans
Millions of people in developing countries will lose their jobs under free trade plans which will be promoted by the Gordon Brown at next week’s G20 summit, a leading charity has warned.
EU-India FTA: Public interest groups detained during protest
As the 6th round of negotiations related to the EU-India Free Trade Agreement got underway In Delhi today, the police detained several representatives of public interest groups during a peaceful protest in front of the office of the European Commission. Trade bureaucrats from the EC and Indian Commerce Ministry will deliberate on issues ranging from services, manufacturing, trade facilitation and government procurement till 19 March.
Protesters detained outside European Commission office
As the sixth round of negotiations related to the EU-India Free Trade Agreement (FTA) got underway on Tuesday, the police detained a couple of representatives of public interest groups during a peaceful protest in front of the office of the European Commission (EC).
Amid protests, EU-India trade talks begin today
Ahead of the three-day free trade negotiations between India and the European Union, starting on Tuesday, a campaign group led by trade unions and non-profit organizations have asked the government to halt the talks.
Social organizations oppose signing economic agreement with China
Farmers, medium-sized and small businesses will lose out while capitalists will reap the most benefits if an Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement between Taiwan and China is signed. An ECFA is also a prelude to reunification.
US postpones free trade negotiations with NZ
New Zealand research and education network ARENA today welcomed news that the United States has postponed trade negotiations with New Zealand pending an overall review of US trade policy, and says that the New Zealand government should follow suit.
Taiwan’s China opening aided by opposition scandal
Taiwan’s main opposition party vehemently opposes President Ma Ying-jeou’s push for closer relations with China, including a proposed FTA. But the Democratic Progressive Party is so enfeebled that it can’t do much about it.
In the United States, 350 civil groups oppose FTA
Around 350 US national, state and local groups from religious to environmental sectors, representing a combined total membership of 18 million, sent a letter to the House of Representatives asking lawmakers not to ratify the free trade agreement between Panama and the United States, insisting that Panama’s economy thrives on banking secrecy and money laundering
Sign the petition to suspend the EU-Israel Association Agreement
Activists from The Peace Cycle will cycle from the International Courts of Justice in the Hague to the European Parliament in Brussels, to hand-deliver this petition to the European Parliament on 31 March 2009.
Sustaining global solidarity after Gaza
In South America, serious pressure is building against the Israel-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement (FTA), threatening to derail it entirely. South American social movements, who have years of experience fighting against free trade, have integrated Palestine solidarity into their general work.
Majority oppose Chapter 11 of NAFTA
A recent binational poll commissioned by the Council of Canadians, found that the majority of Americans and Canadians oppose provisions found in Chapter 11 of NAFTA.
Canada-Colombia free trade agreement condemned
Colombia’s national labour federations and major unions have condemned the free trade agreement (FTA) signed by the governments of Canada and Colombia last year.
Unions back bill trying to stop Mexican trucks in US
Union officials were confident Tuesday that new legislation in Congress would halt Mexican trucks from making long-haul trips into the United States ending a pilot program backed by the Bush administration as part of NAFTA
Amnesty International wins round in speech lawsuit
Amnesty International has won a round in a lawsuit claiming Miami police breached the organization’s constitutional rights during the Free Trade of the Americas meeting in November 2003.
Immediately halt EFTA negotiations - statement of concern from India
Trade unions, people’s movements and civil society organisations express opposition to the lack of transparency, public debate and democratic process surrounding the ongoing negotiations of the Free Trade Agreement between India and the European Free Trade Association, composed of Lichtenstein, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland
Maltese civil society: Suspend EU-Israel agreement
In view of the recent three-week premeditated campaign of bombing of the population of Gaza and its infrastructure by the State of Israel which came after a crippling, illegal two-year siege, we, 14 member organizations of SKOP, the Maltese national platform of development non-governmental organizations, call for a suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement.
The complex relationship between governments and movements: Autonomy or new forms of domination?
Chavez’s rise to power was the result of a long process of struggle from the bottom-up that initiated with caracazo of Feb. 1989—the first massive popular insurrection against neoliberalism. It has now led to crisis in the party system, which supported domination by the elite for decades.
Livestock producers from Mexico, Canada and United States seek new trade policy and market reforms
Representatives of consumer groups and livestock producer organizations from Canada, Mexico, and the United States today called on leaders to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and address concentration in livestock markets.s.