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Trade win with Malaysia spurs regional talks
Labor hopes a breakthrough free trade agreement to be signed with Malaysia tomorrow - giving Australian companies unprecedented access to Asia’s eighth-biggest economy - will provide momentum to negotiations on other bilateral deals across the Pacific region.
EU access to government contracts won’t hurt Bumis, says envoy
The European Union’s demand for access to government procurement in its free trade agreement with Malaysia need not harm the 40-year-old policy of affirmative action for Bumiputeras, insists its envoy in KL.
Malaysia-Chile FTA (2012)
Full text of FTA between Chile and Malaysia
Future direction of proposed Malaysia-EU FTA to be known by June
"We would probably have made decision by June whether we should proceed or review the proposed FTA," Malaysia’s trade minister said after meeting the EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht on the sideline of the Asean-EU Business Summit, in Phnom Penh.
‘Malaysia-Australia FTA on track despite Lynas issue’
The issue of the Lynas rare earth plant will not disrupt the proposed Free Trade Agreement (FTA) negotiations between Malaysia and Australia, said International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed.
Congress factor in trade pacts
The passing by the United States Congress of the three free trade agreements (FTAs) the US concluded with Colombia, Panama and South Korea respectively last October was a long time coming.
EU Malaysia FTA: Report on 6th Round of negotiations
The sixth round of negotiations was held in Kuala Lumpur from 8 to 11 February 2012.
MTUC concerns over FTAs deepen
The president of the Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) Khalid Atan has expressed his belief that the time has come for the 800,000-strong workers’ movement to mobilise against the free trade agreements that the government is negotiating.
Anti-FTA group holds protest in KL against EU-India trade talks
Some 50 Anti-FTA Coalition members staged a protest at the European Commission’s office in Kuala Lumpur Wednesday, urging it to stop promoting what they allege are dangerous trade policies that would threaten the lives of millions across the developing world.
Mafta to boost M’sia-Australia trade, investment ties
The proposed Malaysia-Australia Free Trade Agreement (MAFTA) will elevate the bilateral trade and investment relations of both nations to a new level, and build further on the achievements of the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (AANZFTA).
EU-Malaysia FTA will be inked by year-end, says Piket
The European Union is optimistic that its free trade agreement with Malaysia will be inked by year-end, as per the timeline set by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, during his visit to Brussels, Belgium in 2010.
South Korea important in free trade nexus
After the deadlocks on the Asean-European Union and Malaysia-United States free trade agreements, Malaysia switched its earlier stance.
FTA with EU crucial for Malaysia to become high-income economy by 2020
Malaysia’s free trade agreement (FTA) with the European Union (EU) is crucial for the country to achieve its goal of becoming a high-income economy by 2020, says a European Commission spokesman.
Protests greet trans-Pacific free trade talks
Protests greeted the first day of preliminary round talks among officials from nine countries working toward a Pacific free trade pact Monday.
Reject Trans-Pacific partnership talks
Malaysia joined the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations – a free trade agreement (FTA) involving the United States – in October 2010. The country’s previous attempt in negotiating an FTA with the US stalled when talks became deadlocked over 58 contentious issues.
Malaysian anti-free trade activists protest FTA deals with the US
Anti free-trade activists in Kuala Lumpur protested outside the venue where American representatives and Malaysian ministers met to discuss further on free trade agreements between the two nations.
Malaysia hopes to sign several FTAs by end-2012
Malaysia is actively participating in free trade agreement negotiations and is optimistic of signing several FTAs by end-2012, says International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed.
FTA will make foreigners overly powerful
Foreign investors can bypass local laws and punish the government if the latter stops them from making profits under a FTA, says DAP’s Charles Santiago.
M’sia looks to sign FTA with European Free Trade Association
The Government is doing feasibility studies to see whether it could embark on a free trade agreement (FTA) with the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) by mid next year, said International Trade and Industry Minister Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed.
Fifth round FTA negotiations between Malaysia-EU in mid Oct
The fifth round of the Free Trade Agreement negotiations between the European Union and Malaysia will be held in mid-October in Brussels, Belgium.