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Prospects seen dim for Japan trade pact

Octorber 30, 2005

Prospects seen dim for Japan trade pact

October 29, 2005 ㅡ Korea’s top trade official voiced pessimism about the prospects for signing a free trade agreement with Japan and the United States, but was more hopeful about future trade accords with other nations.

"Japan has not been very serious in the negotiations, and so it will be difficult to finalize an agreement before the end of this year," Trade Minister Kim Hyun-chong said at a press conference at the 2005 Import Vehicle Test Driving Show in Incheon yesterday.

Mr. Kim said the two nations remain apart on the issue of opening up their agricultural markets, adding that if neither side makes a concession, the negotiations may not resume even in 2006.

As for a free trade deal with the United States, Mr. Kim said although the import ban on U.S. beef could be lifted if there is scientific proof of its safety, Korea’s screen quota system, which requires Korean cinemas to fill 40 percent of their schedules with domestic films, will be an obstacle. "There won’t be any concrete results any time soon," he said.

However, he was more optimistic about an accord with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. "The negotiations with ASEAN will make some significant strides before the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum next month," Mr. Kim said. At their latest meeting earlier this month, Korea and ASEAN failed to overcome differences on key issues such as liberalization of tariffs on commodities, but agreed on other issues, including customs clearance.

by Hong Byeong-gee

 Fuente: JoongAng Daily